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2.5 months away from home...

polycounter lvl 19
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adam polycounter lvl 19
Hey guys, I'm in a little bit of a pickle and wanted to see what you guys thought.

There's a chance I could be headed to Vancouver (complete otherside of the country from where I am now) in a couple weeks for a 2.5 month stint with a game developer.

I reeeeaaaaallly want this job and want to go but 2 problems come up.

1.) I have a full-time job @ Kinko's. I am sure I could convince my boss to have the time off - people have done this in the passed to go teach over-sea or something. But if he says to me that my job won't be here when I get back I don't know wtf I'd do.

2.) My girlfriend of 2 years, Gail, has 2 jobs here in London so she couldn't come with me for 2 months. She would come if it were full-time, but since its not garaunteed to be extended/put to full-time she won't come. I'm thinking I could fly back every 2 weeks or something.

Anyone have some advice with situations like this? Anything would help - thank you!


  • poopinmymouth
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    poopinmymouth polycounter lvl 19
    If it were me I would say screw you kinkos and figure if the girl was the right one for me, the brief stint apart wouldn't matter.
    If you think it's a good oportunity then don't let any logistics get in the way.
  • Mojo2k
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    Mojo2k polycounter lvl 18
    guit kinkos, those jobs are a dime a dozen, this is your dream you are trying to make come true, just leave gail there, its only 2.5 months if your relationship is not strong enough to spend that small amount of time apart then its not strong enough. when i was offered the chance to do game work even contract like it was for me, i quickly ditched my sawmill job and jumped right in.. nothing risked nothing gained,
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 19
    Very true about Kinko's. I've been feeling lately (don't know if you could tell, ha) that I'm ready to move on from there anyway.

    As for Gail - we briefly talked over the phone and she mentioned coming with me for little stints here and there. I'll have to wait to see what the company says first.

    I'm really excited!
  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 18
    Two words: Phone Secks!

    A couple months in Vancouver = resume.
  • Matabus
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    Matabus polycounter lvl 19
    Screw phone secks ... webcam that shittles.
  • Kirin
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    Kirin polycounter lvl 18
    Well ... I'd say quit Kinkos. If your manager lets you back after your 2 1/2 months of game-work, great! If not, oh well ...

    As with your girlfriend ... that might be a bigger problem than Kinkos. Depends on your girlfriend. Some girlfriends will understand your situation while others will just find another guy. You're going to have to take a chance there.
  • GoK
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    GoK polycounter lvl 18
    dude, thier is absolutly no point in this thread! go for it its the one chance most of us are just gagging to get, i myself am not in the industry (i work for a marketing company, i know! kill me!) and i have a long term gf but if i was offered possition at a dev co i would jump at the chance!!! also companies are looking for people who are (a) great at what they do and (b) dedicated (obsessed) enough with the job at hand that they are willing to take a risk.

    this isnt that much of a risk eather! think about it.. no actualy scrap that just go for it!

  • RageUnleashed
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    RageUnleashed polycounter lvl 18
    What GoK said. I don't know how many game devs are in that part of Canada, but I'd say consider moving anyways, move to wherever the pickings are best dude, you need to cut the strings holding you back and jump headlong into your dream.
  • HarlequiN
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    HarlequiN polycounter lvl 18
    Fuck Kinkos up the rectum. As for Gail, if she's the one lad 2.5 months isn't even a blink in time on the being apart scale, if she's not the one then really, you lost what?
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    The hard part is if it doesnt work out in Vancouver and you have to crawl back to Kinko's. Its the hardest thing in the world to admit failure.

    But fuck it.It will work out.
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 19
    My mom seems to think leaving Kinko's would be half-retarded half-insanse. Bah!

    You guys are awesome - keep the thoughts coming.
    (Still waitin' for Gail to get home so we can talk).
  • m3rl1n
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    m3rl1n polycounter lvl 18
    Vancouver is THE place to be if you’re in game development. After the 2+ months with that developer you won't have a problem getting a job with another - as long as you do a good job not only will you have the experience but you could probably a get a good reference.

    Just as an example Disney is opening their new studio in Vancouver with a current team of 20 and plans to build to 100, and the EA studio supposedly employs over 1,000.

    On top of that I just read an article that said there will be 3,000 industry jobs - either in BC as a whole, or Vancouver alone - by the end of this year. It could easily turn into a long term thing so definitely drop what you’re doing and get over there.

    Just for reference I’m about 3 hours north of Toronto and I’ve got my sights on Vancouver right now as well - I’ve got some apps out and if they even hint at the possibility - I’m going. There are enough possibilities to warrant the risk; it’s not like leaving the country. It may be a long way but at least you’re still in Canada; if you get attacked by a bear or a moose you still have free health care wink.gif

    Not to mention BC is supposed to be a great place to live.
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 19
    3 hours north of TO? Where? I grew up north of Toronto.
    Keswick baby.
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Oi don't go nickin' all the jobs now ... I want one when I get over there.
  • kleinluka
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    kleinluka polycounter lvl 18
    Definitely go for it. Your parents think leaving Kinko's would be insane ? Umm ok. I think not taking the chance and getting your butt over to Vancouver would be insane :P

    Bring your gf with you if you can. If you CANT, by all means dont fly across the country every two weeks. It'll cost you a shitload of money and will hurt everytime you leave again (been there). 2 1/2 months isnt that long, especially when you're busy at work. GO GO GO GO !!!!
  • nitzmoff
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    nitzmoff polycounter lvl 18
    A job like Kinkos comes and goes, to me that's not an issue.

    I moved to the complete other side of the states from my family and girlfriend of 3 years. We're working it out however we can.

    If you want it to work and do your damndest, it can. So far it is for me.
  • Moz
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    Moz polycounter lvl 18
    I'm a toronto'er but I still must agree with m3rl1n, British Columbia is hands down the best part of canada, newfoundland a close second.
  • Mojo2k
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    Mojo2k polycounter lvl 18
    as for your mom, parents have a hard time seeing game making as a legitimate life, my mom was worried i was making a mistake leaving a secure job a t a sawmill for it. but my dad saw the posibility and suported me fully in the move.
  • m3rl1n
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    m3rl1n polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    3 hours north of TO? Where? I grew up north of Toronto.
    Keswick baby.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Bracebridge - grew up here, went down to North Carolina, up to New York, and eventually landed back here :P but now that I’m into game development I’m itching to get out again.

    My sister actually lives in London right now - from what she says there are few companies down there hiring level designers (my trade) but if I can arrange it I’d rather go out west and see what it has to offer smile.gif
  • Dukester
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    Dukester polycounter lvl 18
    As an older, more experienced, seasoned voice in this thread let me just say this...

    Listen to these guys.

    How old are you? 25, younger? Get your ass to doing what you think you want to do before it is to late or you are to old to do it. Kinko's is equivalent to any job you can get, any! Take your shot while you are still young enough. Do not take the chance of looking back and regretting. At your age also, relationships seem the most important when IMO they are the least important. Relationships can screw up your life! Tell that girl you are pursuing your dream and she is part of it, but you have to do this. Do not sacrifice this (if you are sure it is a great opportunity) so you can see your girlfriend every week.

    You gotta strike while the iron is hot man. If after two and a half months it don't work out you can go back to kinko's or find a different job that you despise.

    Or am I wrong in thinking it wasn't you who has ended every post like this "I work at Kinkos, Help me"
  • Daz
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    Daz polycounter lvl 18
    This is surely a no brainer Adam?!
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 19
    I had been planning on going to Vancouver all along. I've been trying now for a year - hard - to get into the industry. Would I fuck something like this up? No. Gail's really encouraging when it comes to me and my career. I was looking for some words from you guys in regards to this and its really helpful/easing.

    Daz: Surely. cool.gif
  • Rwolf
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    Rwolf polycounter lvl 18
    GL with your plans. The worst that could happen job wise is ending up in another dead end job other than Kinko's smile.gif
    (I mean I don't plan on working at a liqor store for the rest of my life)
  • JKMakowka
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    JKMakowka polycounter lvl 18
    What Dukester said wink.gif You will be kicking yourself in the butt later on, for not taking the chance.

    And flying back every two weeks isn't worth the money... do it once and spend (some of) the saved money on a really nice weekend/evening with your GF (or don't do it at all, and make a nice vacation with your GF after the 2,5 months are over).
  • Jeff Parrott
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    Jeff Parrott polycounter lvl 19
    Congrats man! I know you've been trying for a while. Jump in the deep end man. You'll either sink or swim. Better than sitting in the jacuzzi talking about should've done this and would've done that differently. Turning down opportunities like that leads to regrets. Try not to have those. Bring the GF out once a month or something. Sometimes time apart makes you realize if it's going to last for the long haul. Just turn that 2.5 months into a full time and she'll be out there. Again best of luck and congrats!
  • Paul Jaquays
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    Paul Jaquays polycounter lvl 18
    Explain to your manager what you are doing and why. It's a career opportunity for you. If it works out, you're on your way into your dream career. If it doesn't, let him know you're likely to be back. Don't burn a bridge, but don't miss an opportunity like this for a "safe" job.

    If your girl loves you, 2.5 months is NOTHING. Remind her constantly that you love her. It should work out.
  • Jay Evans
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    Jay Evans polycounter lvl 18
    think of it as a paid 2.5 month education in the games industry. You'll learn so much in that time, you'll be amazed. Go for it. Work out the details later.
  • Moz
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    Moz polycounter lvl 18
    Remember: Who dares wins!

    Go for it.
  • Mojo2k
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    Mojo2k polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    The hard part is if it doesnt work out in Vancouver and you have to crawl back to Kinko's. Its the hardest thing in the world to admit failure.

    But fuck it.It will work out.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    even so , crawl back to kinkos? i mean its not like you couldn't get any number of jobs besides that. in fact find you a lil cruddy job in an area with game companys and keep trying
  • GoK
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    GoK polycounter lvl 18
    Good luck adam, you wont need it tho im sure !

  • Whargoul
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    Whargoul polycounter lvl 18
    Stay the hell out my city! wink.gif

    So when do you get here? (nudge nudge)
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