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The Mod With No Name

polycounter lvl 18
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Showster polycounter lvl 18

Ok so me and a mate are a bit bored and heres what were gonna start working on.

Finally finished my map except a few little tricksy bugs the evil hobbit quake3 engine still pesters the precious.

I imported a model into bog-quake3 today, with a few tag issues if anyone has a few seconds to talk about tags give me a buzz I'm a bit miffed atm.

Anyhow heres a 90% complete map and a model.....

Onto Blow the town up Game Mode......

If anyone wants to do some weapon icons / hud stuff I'd be grateful

need some for TNT / Shotgun etc... oh and some sounds to lol





  • Showster
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    Showster polycounter lvl 18
  • flachdrache
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    flachdrache polycounter lvl 18
    Man, how can i understand this question wink.gif,
    guess i just have to read the image - right.

    Take a look into this pages :
    it will teach you how to set up a tag_hand (or animation) for all weapons. In this case - iirc hand_shotgun.
    You copy+paste tag_weapon and tag_flash from the base (setup) model into all other weapon setups.
    So you just have to setup the weapon tag once and dont need to care about it on the other weapons ;D.

    Search for devmex on www.turbosquid.com for better ground surface textures smile.gif - ill update this in a minute.

    The answer may be as wired as the question so i just say rotate the tag_weapon on the tag_hand in the model file and see if this works.
    But if its a mod i think its the best way to take a look into the mod_source .... of QUARANTINE.

  • Showster
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    Showster polycounter lvl 18
    thanks for some information bud!

    the ground textures are screwed because I didn't tile them enough hehe I'll fix that later..........

    hmmm I really don't know what the problem is regards to animation, I've adjusted all the tags now, they seem to be fine.

    The problems seems to be due to the animation.cfg which is completely bizzare, because I used quake3 standards. In this case I used Klesh.bip and animation.cfg, the game seems to play the run motion for the legs when in idle and plays no animation at all when the character runs. I've never had this issue before and its put me at a loss.


  • Showster
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    Showster polycounter lvl 18
    I fixed it don't worry, When I was exporting the animation from max I forgot that quake3 read the torso and leg animations differently. Sooooo I was putting all the animations in both the upper and lower md3 files... Must have confused the hell out of the game, so now it works smile.gif
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