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Doom 3 for the Xbox

polycounter lvl 19
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rawkstar polycounter lvl 19
WHAT A LOAD OF SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

the only options for coop are xbox live and system link...??? no split screen... I swear to god I remember reading somewhere you could play this thing with split screen coop... I am so increadibly disappointed its not even funny... vicarious visions suck all the balls in the fucking world... they started on this shit WAY before Doom 3 on the PC even came out and this is all they got? just the game on the fucking xbox? I honestly don't see a point of getting this game without split screen coop/dm its just the same old doom3, except u can play coop through xbox live... you can do the same with the coop mod thats been out for awhile on the PC...

My disappointment knows no bounds I'm going back tomorrow and asking for my money back.


  • The3DGuy
  • EarthQuake
    But you can play doom1/2 on xbox, SURELY THATS WORTH $50!
    Hahahahaha, man why the hell would you even buy it? I dont understand why someone would want to play it again.
  • gauss
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    gauss polycounter lvl 18
    yeah, seriously! it's not like Doom 3 could possibly be considered graphics intensive or otherwise prove to be difficult to run splitscreen on the x-box!!!

    come on man. you work on games now, you understand the kind of shit that goes on and what it takes to make games. don't try and push off your own uninformed expectations for x-box Doom 3 (i've known for months that split-screen wasn't an option) on the developers. yeah, it sucks, but you really ought to have seen this coming... or even better, read the back of the box when you were in the store.
  • rawkstar
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    rawkstar polycounter lvl 19
    gauss I'm gonna punch you in the nose man, but ur right I should have read the back of the box. honestly though split screen COULD be dumbed down alot... considering its only taking up like 1/2 or hell 1/4th... anyways fuck this I just think its really ghey that the key feature they were focusing on and pimping since the begining of time isn't even in there... thats not what makes good games...
  • sonic
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    sonic polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    I honestly don't see a point of getting this game without split screen coop/dm its just the same old doom3, except u can play coop through xbox live... you can do the same with the coop mod thats been out for awhile on the PC...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    The point is not everyone has a PC that can run Doom3.
  • rawkstar
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    rawkstar polycounter lvl 19
    I wish people would just stop saying what the ads and reviews say and just voice their own opinion. honestly though PC doom 3 is not as demanding as you think, it can be played on a very wide variety of machines, much more than is specified in the minimum requirements, and the graphical settings don't REALLY make that big of a difference, like ultra settings just look sharper than the rest, but thats about it, even on the lowest possible settings the game is VERY playable on shitty computers, and still looks good.

    Honestly, theres no excuse for wasting 2 years on an xbox port (they started in 2003), 2 years... thats like almost half the time it took to make doom 3 in the first place from scratch, the engine and all of the art and levels and shit, I mean come on, they spent all that time and all they have is... just the game on the xbox and some multiplayer modes?

    I dunno I'm kind of expecting at least split screen DM or something from a console shooter game.
  • CheapAlert
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    CheapAlert polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    I honestly don't see a point of getting this game without split screen coop/dm its just the same old doom3, except u can play coop through xbox live... you can do the same with the coop mod thats been out for awhile on the PC...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    The point is not everyone has a PC that can run Doom3.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    But my Athlon 950 can! How cheap are those complete nowadays?
  • iMag
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    iMag polycounter lvl 18
    rockstar: doom 3 on the lowest settings on a pc looks like total ass. With no shadows or normal mapping, while playable, it doesn't look very good at all.
  • Slayerjerman
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    Slayerjerman polycounter lvl 18
    Whats it even matter? Most of you goobers have Doom3 for PC anyway and your telling me you'd go buy a second copy of the SAME game for xbox just for split screen?

  • skankerzero
    split screen would mean rendering double the polys that of a single screen. They had enough of a problem getting it to just run single screen...
  • EarthQuake
    Actually the real problem would be double the lights, if anyone has done any moding/mapping for d3 you know what that means.
  • ScoobyDoofus
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    ScoobyDoofus polycounter lvl 19
    On an unrelated note, I bought the Erection...er.... Ressurection of Evil expansion last night.

    Grabber gun kicks ass, but the effect it generates makes it friggan impossible to see whats in front of you.
    The new Hell Artifact viewmodel is wicked-awesome. God bless texture dissolves. Normal/Spec/Diffuse all dissolve from one set to another for a great effect.
  • skankerzero
    [ QUOTE ]
    Actually the real problem would be double the lights, if anyone has done any moding/mapping for d3 you know what that means.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    doubling the lights doubles the polycount. it's the same thing.

    For every light you add, you have to re-render the mesh to draw your dynamic shadows.

    So if you're already doing that with just single screen, then adding a second screen, it will only run that much slower.
  • PaK
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    PaK polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    PC doom 3 is not as demanding as you think

    [/ QUOTE ]

    99% of gamming machines can't play doom3 at a decent framerate at the highest settings.

    And ratcheting down a game with 3d assets is not easy, if it was 'easy' than doom3 Xbox would have come out in dec when the pc version shipped.

    C'mon now...

    Check the ressurection of Evil manual...I'm in it! yay!

  • KDR_11k
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    KDR_11k polycounter lvl 18
    I'd be surprised if the XBox version was anywhere near the PC "highest settings" (which Carmack claims requires 512MB of video RAM and is meant for future systems). You're not supposed to run it in Ultra. Set it to low or medium if your framerate is too low. I've played through most of the game on what is generaly considered a low end PC (Radeon 8500, Athlon XP 1.8).
  • War_Destroyer
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    War_Destroyer polycounter lvl 18
    Has anyone picked up the Doom 3 Collector's edition. It supposedly has concept art, I wanna know if it's worth getting.
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