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High poly male head

[edit] Changed thread, check bottom of page for images.


  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    I don't like it at all. The best part is the cylinder coming out of the back of the head.
    There's no design, there's no definition, there's no... uh... REASON. There's a big hole in the side of the head.
    The structure of the face is very odd, and your use of hard edges isn't as good as it could be (check out Daz's model in the last page of the "What are you working on" thread for a good example of hard edges in flesh.)

    Everything about this is just... formless. It's just a bunch of stuff thrown together, IMHO it's not art, and it's not a good mesh either.

    Maybe if you'd spent some more time designing it (do you ever draw out designs on paper/photoshop before modelling? if not, you should - people like Pior nearly always do this and it results in a more cohesive final product) or even just spent some more time modelling the rest of stuff, like neck, shoulders, ears, whatever.

    If you plan on continuing it, I wouldn't pimp it this early. It doesn't give a very good idea of what you're trying to achieve. If you do want to go somewhere with it, I recommend spending a good amount of time outside of Lightwave just drawing out ideas and thinking of "why" pieces are where they are, rather than just throwing a bunch of subdivided cylinders on an edited head model.

    Just my opinion though, feel free to continue if you want. But I'm pretty sure my concerns are valid.

  • EarthQuake
    I have some crappy concepts drawn out for this, its not as random as you think. And it is pretty raw right now i like to get the basic form down before adding details like hard edges. As far as pimping too soon, maybe but im happy where i am with it so far and im going to bed soon. And any time you really have high expectations for my actual designs i think you will be disapointed, i've never been very good at actual character designs i work much better from other peoples concepts or just modeling from real life. But i will only get better if i try out new things instead of doing the same old shit so this is all still just me practicing my skills.
    Yay crappy concept and horrible drawing skills:
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Right, yeah... I'd suggest exercising restraint next time, add the pipes and stuff when you get out of bed and pimp it then, it'll probably have a waaay better impact. It just looks half-assed if you pimp something that you just broke off from to go to sleep.
    It's good to set a certain "goal" to reach with the model, like getting all the bits connected to the head finished, or detailing an entire section or something.
    I'd definitely do more sketches, figure out what you're actually trying to show in the face area, your sketches there are just blank in the face, it could be anything.
    Also, it's obvious you know how to model high poly stuff pretty well from your other posts, so why not give the high poly modelling a rest for a while, and focus on practising your drawing and designing skills?
    I reckon that's really worth trying ... you'll probably find that if you just focus solely on improving your linework and rendering skills, thinking about volumes and forms, then next time you jump into LightWave you might be surprised at how much it helps your modelling.

  • SouL
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    SouL polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    I don't like it at all. The best part is the cylinder coming out of the back of the head.
    There's no design, there's no definition, there's no... uh... REASON. There's a big hole in the side of the head.
    The structure of the face is very odd, and your use of hard edges isn't as good as it could be (check out Daz's model in the last page of the "What are you working on" thread for a good example of hard edges in flesh.)

    Everything about this is just... formless. It's just a bunch of stuff thrown together, IMHO it's not art, and it's not a good mesh either.

    Maybe if you'd spent some more time designing it (do you ever draw out designs on paper/photoshop before modelling? if not, you should - people like Pior nearly always do this and it results in a more cohesive final product) or even just spent some more time modelling the rest of stuff, like neck, shoulders, ears, whatever.

    If you plan on continuing it, I wouldn't pimp it this early. It doesn't give a very good idea of what you're trying to achieve. If you do want to go somewhere with it, I recommend spending a good amount of time outside of Lightwave just drawing out ideas and thinking of "why" pieces are where they are, rather than just throwing a bunch of subdivided cylinders on an edited head model.

    Just my opinion though, feel free to continue if you want. But I'm pretty sure my concerns are valid.


    [/ QUOTE ]

  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    I call Godwin's Law !
    actually no I don't, I've just never had the chance to before..

    I generally agree with mops points about working on concepts beforehand but don't feel quite as strongly about it smile.gif. What isn't in the concept could be a mental image, so its hard to judge, and its still wip. I take it the hole in head comment was a sly joke though right? theres no neck! no body! it's not finished!

    I definately think either seeing the concept with the 1st post or some placeholder tubes would give a better idea of what you're aiming for and what to crit tho. On the actual model, I'm reserving opinion till it's more complete, get going EQ smile.gif
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    No sleep for 42 hours + internet = bad, kids.
    I probably wouldn't have worded my post quite as harshly on any other day, however I do feel very strongly about this, but I would have been more polite if I hadn't been so tired wink.gif

    I think mainly I was being harsh because the quality of EQ's recent work is much, much higher than this, and I think he's doing himself a disservice by pimping too early.
  • EarthQuake
    Uhhggg..... Man looking at this thing today it sucks pretty bad... Dont know what i was thinking. Anyway decided to model a guy because this one looked so off(even tho it wasnt really supposed to be look human, still) This is what i got after 3.5 hours and im pretty happy with it, dunno if ill adapt this head to the cyborg thing or what i kinda want to model some hair now.
  • EarthQuake
    Ok more progress, hair is pretty rough yet.
    Quick render:
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    This is a lot better.
    However, his ears are very small, and his neck seems too thin the front view.
    I also don't like the way your edge flow is going around the cheek and jawline area ... it's not really following any bone/muscle shapes there, it's just laid out like a grid. The poly flow should definitely be altered especially around the lower part of the jaw - if you animated that now, it'd deform very unnaturally.
    Ear also seems very far back in the side view...
  • shotgun
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    shotgun polycounter lvl 19
    I think his brow needs to sink in deeper,
    but aside of that you did a pretty sweet job

    have another look at the neck, it looks very small
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