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Geforce6800GT and Maya video corruption.

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I just bought an Asus V9999GT Geforce6800GT 256 card, to my dismay I installed the card and now in Photoshop and Maya there are green and white dots that flicker around the screen as you pan the camera, I'm pretty sure this is a driver issue as I installed the latest Nvidia drivers and this made the problem worse, as well as made the GL view super slow and reboots the computer while looking at 3d models. I've tried 3 drivers so far and the best one is the nVidia driver certified for Maya 6.0 which fixes the crash but still has the green and white dots flickering all around the screen, pretty unusable. I tried uninstalling all the video drivers and just went with the default WindowsXP driver, this fixes the video corruption but then your GL view is too slow to do any work. Anyone had a similar problem or has a Geforce6800GT running Maya?


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