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Preview: Heavy Roamer. Mod: Apprehension (UT2K4)

polycounter lvl 18
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oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
It takes so long just to get preview images together.. Anyhow..

Mod: Apprehension

Heavy Roamer:
Physical Description: Huge aircraft, approximately the size of a school bus. Front has a cockpit and 2 side guns attached to the inner part of the wings. Also has two rear turrets above and below, for a total of 5 seats. Bottom has shape to match the top of the Ion Cannon, with extending legs for carrying the cannon and landing. Rear has opening doors which give way to the hatch used to transport droids. Flies in a forward tilted position, and rocks slightly when turning.
Role: Building assault. Most effective when filled with passengers to enhance main weapon, and to defend against enemy aircraft.



Primary fire is a non-seeking missile which can be used against ground units, but is fairly weak against buildings. Secondary fire is a cloud of nanobots which gradually collect in a ball-like shape underneath the cockpit. When released, this cloud will fall to the ground (with a limited aiming range) and damage land units by "eating away" the structure of the object. This cloud can be dispersed prematurely if damaged sufficiently by energy weapons, which would cause damage to the Roamer itself.

Side gunners:

Primary fire is a medium-damage instant hit weapon (either bullets or laser) which can be effectively used against smaller ground units such as humans and droids. Secondary fire is a stream of nanobots which can either be used to attack ground structures during a low flyby, or alternatively, may be aimed at the building cloud of nanobots which the pilot is preparing for launch. This has the effect of growing the cloud much more quickly, and possibly increasing the power which may be achieved with that attack

Rear upper turret:

Primary fire is a homing missile which is somewhat effective against cutter craft. Secondary fire is a flare which can disrupt the homing capabilities of incoming missiles if timed correctly.

Rear lower turret:

Primary fire is an instant-hit weapon of some sort (either a laser or some sort of machine gun) which is fairly effective against lighter ground units. Secondary fire is a flare which can disrupt incoming ground or air missiles if timed and aimed correctly. However, a multitude of turret missiles will prove too much for the relatively low rate of fire of the flares.

Requirements: Air factory
HitPoints: lots and lots smile.gif
Functional Description: This heavyweight craft is specifically designed to be flown with a team of copilots. Aside from the pilots seat, it also includes two forward copilot turrets and a missile launcher in the upper rear. Its slow speed is a result of the heavy armor and artillery packing the walls of this monster in the air. Used primarily as a building assault weapon, but can also become fairly effective against ground units when flown with copilots. As if this weren't enough, the heavy roamer also includes room to pack several droids in a rear loading bay for a surprise attack, and a lower mounting bracket to easily transport ion cannons nearer to an enemy base. It is recommended that this vehicle be escorted by cutters, or flown near an Ion tank for air defense.

[/ QUOTE ]

A main idea behind the mod that everything is nano based, So the roamer is built realtime. Thus it would be organic looking since its "grown". So the slight insect exo is purposely.

Concept <<<(Right click to zoom on details)

Im not worried about polycount/optimization at this point. Just shapes and getting the essence crits. Legs of course being built.


BTW If anyone is interested. The mod is looking for a specific concept artist.


  • JKMakowka
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    JKMakowka polycounter lvl 18
    Looks good so far, but I think it lacks main engines for forward thrust.
  • Cubik
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    Cubik polycounter lvl 18
    That would be the cylinders right below the wings in the back.
    Took a peek at the concept and I have to say that those landing "legs" looks quite fragile. And it seems like the whole ship is a little backheavy. Moving those rearlegs a bit back should fix that.
  • DarthRevanII
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    DarthRevanII polycounter lvl 18
    Cubik i think he ment that it lacks SIZEABLE main engines for forward thrust...
    Just looking at it, its hard to believe those little thrusters could push the damn thing. It's obviously made for transportation and maybe some assault (didnt read description) and it looks like it weighs a few tons. To believe those 2-3 foot wide engines could get that thing up to speed, i cant really see it

    Also looks like a LARGE amount of wasted pollies on the "neck" of the ship on the very bottom, and the bottom of the wings. the underside of the wings will hardly be seen man...the detail you have on it we cant even see is there in the smooth-shade renders you have. Get rid of it! you will save yourself some time laugh.gif

    just my opinion though. I really don't prefer how this ship looks, but you did a very good job on it. Looks like it has great mesh flow, and can't wait to see a texture on it wink.gif
  • joolz8000
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    joolz8000 polycounter lvl 18
    Overall I like it- has a Romulan feel to it. The tubular shapes that lead to the tail door kinda bug me, but it's a minor style thing.
  • ndcv
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    ndcv polycounter lvl 18
    Looks great, I think the thrusters in the back are for forward thrust, purposely not too big, and the big things on the bottom provide the main thrust, right? And it's like a big slow gunship sort of thing? I think the thrusters look fine. Gotta agree with joolz on the tubular things under the rear thrusters though. Looks very cool from the front.
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    maybe its advanced technology and those tiny thrusters spew big jets of fire as it blasts off. I imagine :P.
    Looks cool to me, the wing bits look a little fragile but again, advanced technology fixes that smile.gif
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    Thanks for the feedback all.. Will post more when further along.
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