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Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater...

polycounter lvl 18
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johnwoo polycounter lvl 18
I played the demo yesterday and was'nt impressed at all, I much preferred Metal Gear Solid 2 cos' of the industrial environments in terms of gameplay (there was always somewhere to hide in times of desperation), on the demo I played here in the UK, the close quarter combat worked quite well, but did'nt like once you had a guard in a choke hold and wanted to aim at another enemy it became abruptly clumsy, character models were fantastic as always from the movies I've seen of this iteration and even in the demo...but from what I've seen and played I much prefer to part with my cash to get Splainter Cell 3..played the demo of that, and was well impressed...anyhow...any of you guys got MGS 3 and liked/disliked it?....


  • Badge
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    Badge polycounter lvl 18
    no no no no no man, you got it all wrong.

    IMO this is one of the best games EVER. awesome story, really fun gameplay. and i think the outdoors scene is totally what makes game great.

    it can get frustrating considering your boss tells you stealth is essential, when in fact to progress the mission you have to get caught.

    there are so many weapons and gadgets in this game, so many animals to cathc, (and eat). pulling out bullets, sewing up cuts, splinting broken bones... so much fun.

    i got it for free, and i easily woulda paid for it.

    top notch IMO laugh.gif

    (also catch DMC3)
  • Josh_Singh
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    Josh_Singh polycounter lvl 18
    Yeah, John Woo, I am afraid Im gonna have to disagree. This game is one of my faves of all time. There is so much to do and snake is such a badass.
    There are tons of places to hide in mgs3. You just need to know how to use your camo index. In mgs2 you found yourself hiding under tables and behind stuff, in mgs3 you hide from patches of grass to hollowed out tree trunks.
    You can use disguises, like the Scientist uniform and Major Raikov's uniform and mask ( dont want to give too much away) and the awsome gavial cap it looks so stupid but you can pretty much walk around in the water unnoticed. All in all I had some of my favorite video game moments during this game.
  • gauss
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    gauss polycounter lvl 18
    i'm in agreement with john here--the MGS games clearly have top notch production values, but i just can't get on board until the camera/control scheme gets updated as well. i own MGS2, have a borrowed copy of Twin Snakes and can't play either of them because they're pure stoneage in comparison to other stealth games when it comes to the camera. crawling into a vent and having virtually no control over what i'm seeing just makes me screaaaaaam. i want to, i really would like to enjoy these games but cannot. they're clearly totally awesome in all other respects and i hear that the next one will probably feature a following 3rd person camera. once that happens, i'll get a 'I heart Snake' tattoo on my bicep just as fast as the rest of you, but not until then.

    just like i'm a huge fan of RE4 and will definitely be on board for any sequels produced henceforth, i will not touch previous resident evil games with a ten foot pole. MGS is a series i'd love to love but can't until changes are made.
  • Josh_Singh
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    Josh_Singh polycounter lvl 18
    yeah, sometimes the camera gets frustrating, but it forces you to use other things other than your eyes, like listen for footsteps and other audio cues ( using the directional mike in the boss battle with "The End" made me feel like a predator stalking his prey) and other gizmos like the life sensor or whatever, it vibrates when living things get closer. The boss fight with "The Fury" was one of the most intense boss battles Ive played in a long while just because of the camera.The fight is set in a bunch of long corridors next to one another, you really have to use other cues other than visual to get the sneak on the fury. At first I hated the camera but I can see how it affects gameplay, and I really liked it.
  • Badge
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    Badge polycounter lvl 18
    the coolest thing is all the secret gear you can get, everyboss has a camo drop you can get that gives you special abilities.

    you wont really get much of em unless u use a faq of somesort, but it adds SO much replay value.

    i didnt know what the R1 button did till the last fight.
    the R1 button just blows your mind someimes,
  • Josh_Singh
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    Josh_Singh polycounter lvl 18
    dang badge you missed some nice cleavage shots with eva if you didn't know what R1 did. Replay indeed.
  • Super
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    Super polycounter lvl 18
    Probably the most beautiful game I've played. Really a shame the European version didn't get a 'Making Of' this time around, I'd kill to see a breakdown of their character models.
  • johnwoo
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    johnwoo polycounter lvl 18
    Jeez..maybe I'll give the game another shot and try and adapt to the new environment a bit more enthusiastically, since you guys have played it a fair amount...but at this moment in time I will have to go for SCCT totally loving the demo...can't wait for it..and also Devil May Cry 3...Oh..oh..Capcom (gawd bless 'em) have confirmed Biohazard 5....it's gonna be a goodun... grin.gif
  • danr
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    danr interpolator
    whether or not i can enjoy ... no, PLAY this game, depends on one thing :

    how much interminable fucking dialogue is there? In MGS2, it was chronically self-indulgent to the point of ripping my eyes out. Real shame, cos there was a great game in there somewhere - you just had to wade through the pretensious gab-fest to get to it.

    so, how does this one measure up?
  • Marine
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    Marine polycounter lvl 18
    it's still there, but it's all skippable smile.gif
  • NikNak
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    NikNak polycounter lvl 18
    MGS3 is an excellent game over all. As far as the camera goes you can have as much control as you want over it by just switching to first person mode. I ended up doing most of my looking and shooting in first person. I really think this game is top notch when it comes to ps2 games.
  • Badge
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    Badge polycounter lvl 18
    about the dialogue scenes: you can hit the R1 button to see the sequence from snakes perspective, it makes it a little more entertaining. but to me i was in awe at the characters themselves, the game looks so damn good.

    is there actually a way to see the character breakdowns for this game? thats like my wet dream to see the texture maps and unshaded models for these characters.
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