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Polycount game servers

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r13 founder
We've announced this in the polyfraggers section of the boards, but thought it would be good to do here too. We have secured a rather stout public server sitting on a rather large pipe in Columbus, Ohio. We're currently running a number of different game public servers including a CS:S one. if you are interested in fragging with your fellows, please give it a shot. So far we haven't even got the server over 5% CPU usage with all the servers running and a full game of CC:S. Please stop in when you can. Organize get togethers through the polyfragger threads. Fun! FUN! FUN!!

All info for finding the servers are in the polyfragger threads, minus the passwords as we took them off this week to let everyone in now.

As far as requests and additions, we're happy to listen to polite suggestions.


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