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Members needed for UT2004 Single-Player Mod

polycounter lvl 18
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Matte polycounter lvl 18
Name: Rising-Revenge - Episode 1: White Lotus
Compatibility: UT2004
Homepage: http://www.rising-revenge.net/

First of all, who am I? I'm [email="Vir@s"]Vir@s[/email], one of the leaders of the mod Rising-Revenge. I'm coder and have several years of experience with the Unreal Engine. For more info on the mod see below !

Short description:
The mod plays in a near future, set in a world which was almost destroyed in a heavy war against a flood of Vampires. Last surviving humans live in enclosed cities, trying to survive the attacks.Important parts for us is a detailed interesting storyline with a equally funny gameplay that drives the player to want more. An according DesignDocument (containing story, guidelines, etc..) is already in place, but of course still in development so new ideas are always welcome. (See homepage for a snippet of the storyline).

What can you expect?: You will find yourself in a professional working environment. All members of our team are very experienced in their fields. In addition all our work is handled over a Development Manager, which allows us to keep track of what was already done and what still needs to be done.

Finally - something to convince you
Render 1: AssaultRifle
Render 2: TEGlock

For more, visit our Homepage: http://www.rising-revenge.net/index.php?location=gallery&mode=renders

We are searching for talented people for the following positions (Arranged with the most wanted ones at the top of the list):
<ul type="square">[*]Mappers (Good if you know how to create you own Static Meshes, but not a requirement)[*]Modellers (Character and/or static ones)[*]Texture Artists/Skinners (Character textures as well as textures for static meshes)[*]Animators (Characters and weapons as well as anything else that needs to move)[*]Sound FX (Effect sounds as well as normal ambient sounds)[*]Concept Artists (Environment as well as for characters)[/list]If you should be interested, feel free to contact me via E-mail (viras@rising-revenge.net)

or join us at our IRC Channel: GameSurge.net #rising-revenge.

[email="Vir@s"]Vir@s[/email], and Matte, team Animator.


  • Sett
    Offline / Send Message
    Sett polycounter lvl 18
    Still eary in your setup but it looks good, those gun renders are pro you should pimp them in c&c very unique design.

    To be honest you lost me at 'vampire'. My biggest pet pevee with gaming is bad writing. Sorry to be an ass.

    For everyone else whom vamperism is not a problem, I'll atest that Virus has been around the UT comuinty for along time, and knows his stuff. He is not some Jonny-come-lately.

    Good luck.

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