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Latest Character Finally Finished

polycounter lvl 18
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HotHead polycounter lvl 18
Some of you might remember this from the old boards when I first posted him. You might be saying..."Wow that was a while ago". Well it was, but shortly after I posted those images my computer took a major crash and took about a week to fix and thankfully I managed to save my work when I had to format, but my copy of max was lost. I was using v6 for that model and I only own 5. I had actually gotten 6 from my roommate when I was living back in Phoenix, and never had a hard copy of it on cd. So I had to wait a while to finally get a copy of 6 mailed to me. But once I did finally get it, I had also aquired a job at the same time to help pay some of the debt I was in from the move so I didn't have alot of time to work on him. But alast, here he is. If you dont know the character, he's player class from the game Phantasy Star Online that I modeled to be imported in UT2K4. I would have him ready to import but I dont have him rigged for animation so it's just going to have to wait. Mostly cause I dont know how, but I'm wanting to learn. I had to take a few minor liberties here and there due to different art styles of reference images I had gathered. All in all I'm pretty satisfied with him. What you see is 3160 tris and three texture maps. One 1024x1024 for the body and two 512x512s for the head and Mag (wing looking things behind him). If need be, to make him easier to import into UT2K4, I can drop the Mag. Let me know what you think.




  • XcomGS
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    XcomGS polycounter lvl 18
    Wow.....that is amazing......would you consider a request? Check my Super Mario Chronicles thread in Requests.
  • dabu
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    dabu polycounter lvl 18
    Proportions overall look pretty good, you could probably optimize the shoulder pads a bit though, they look pretty dense compared to the rest of the model.

    Perhaps you could add some more detail to the texture? like scratches or dirt? Looks a bit too clean, though that may be true to the original character, I wouldn't know. Good work!
  • HotHead
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    HotHead polycounter lvl 18
    Ooops sorry forgot to mention that the wireframe image is a little old and I was to lazy to render another. Those shoulder pads have been optimized alot and aren't nearly that many polys. A few other areas have been optimized as well. At this wire render, he was just under 4K polys.
  • johnwoo
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    johnwoo polycounter lvl 18
    Some nice artwork you got going on there Hothead...Proprtions are superb, modelling is clean and concise...good stuff...just 2 things basically and that is will you rig and weight the mesh...(I think you should) it looks as tho' it would really deform really well, and the other is the textures look a little too clean, maybe add some scratches, dents etc.. to bring in some additional detail, but if the clean look is what you are after then ignore the last comment..heh...all the same nice work...
  • HotHead
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    HotHead polycounter lvl 18
    Thanks for the crits woo. I am planning to rig it. When I actually do it is another a whole other conversation. Maybe if I get a little tired of my current project I'll get a head start on it. As far as the cleanliness of the texture, that is what I was going for. The game if you are unfamiliar with it is a Sega title. So naturally the textures are going to be really clean. I would however like to make an alternate texture with a more real to life look with dents and scratches if not just to see how well I can translate it over.
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    give him some battledamage!!!

    little chips out of the paintwork and such, maybe some burn marks... he looks too brand new out of the factory atm.
  • Laheen
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    Laheen polycounter lvl 18
    Lol gir, Looks great hothead! It would be good to see how he deforms ;o, what is phantasy star online? A mmog? Great job laugh.gif
  • Rick Stirling
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    Rick Stirling polycounter lvl 18
    How do his legs bend? Is he wearing a lycra suit, or does he have very thin boots on?
  • HotHead
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    HotHead polycounter lvl 18
    gir - maybe I will make an alternate with "battle damage", but for now, this is how he's supposed to look. He's from a Sega game

    Laheen - Phantasy Star Online is only one of the best games ever smile.gif Well at least I think so. It origionally came out for the Dreamcast and had somewhat of a big fallowing. But most people might know it now from when it got ported over to the Gamecube and Xbox. It's like an action MMO. You log into a lobby with a bunch of people running around chatting but you only go on quests and play the story with 3 others. Check the link here -> Phantasy Star Online

    Rick - I forgot to mention that this character is an Andriod and not a person in a suit.
  • darkshadow
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    darkshadow polycounter lvl 18
    man im a big pso fan, and this HUcast is looking amazing, and yes do the battle damage
  • AfroLeft
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    AfroLeft polycounter lvl 18
    make a few different mag types and have them choseable with op maps... that would be neat.
  • DarthRevanII
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    DarthRevanII polycounter lvl 18
    wow...i remember when you posted it...awesome then...better now

    i dont know if this has been said, but while the skin is good, it doesnt match the quality of the mesh. There is so much detail in the mesh, yet the skin is simple to put it bluntly. Not saying the skin is bad, becuase it is awesome, great work, its just...with all the detail in the mesh...the skin is just...boring. Get some more detail on there, add stuff, make it more real and sophisticated
  • poopinmymouth
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    poopinmymouth polycounter lvl 19
    I am not sure if you are using a light bake, or painting in the volume, but whatever process you used on the torso, needs to be followed up on the legs and arms. they feel really flat, like they just have line drawings over top, whereas there is some interesting volume in the chest and head. Try to get some of that volume into the legs.
  • HotHead
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    HotHead polycounter lvl 18
    Thanks for the crits guys, I really appreciate it.

    Revan: I totally see what your saying. That image of the wire frame is old and has been refined. Alot useless polys were removed from the arms up to the shoulder pads and on into the neck area. Left some detail in the joints though so it would deform well. The thing I found the most odd was the character was designed with alot of painted detail in his upper front. The only way I knew what to paint on his back was to turn on the game and look at this old model and texture from like '99 -'00 which never got updated when it was ported to the gamecube. The back was so very plain and lacking of any detail. It was basically just a couple of dark lines to show where plates of armor came together. Kinda strange from a design aspect because that was the side of the character you saw the most when running around.

    Poop: I totally agree with what your saying about faking the volume (which I painted). That was one issue I thought about when I was painting it. But all of the reference images I had of him were either from the waist up or too small to make out any details and it actually looked flat. I did a little savaging around and I found a slightly bigger version of one of the refernce images I used and I can now see that there is volume to the leg sections of armor. While it isn't as stand out as it is in the torso, it is there. I'm going to go back and touch it up. Thanks for pointing it out. I was starting to feel like I was the only one seeing it.
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