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I patheticly fail at finding refs.

polycounter lvl 18
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CheapAlert polycounter lvl 18
I won't repeat much that's already said here


Yeah, i'm trying to be as correct to anime anatomy as I could for him (Yeah it's a garg, so what if i want to model him again or a similar character with his arms right, correct pose and such), for future reference, but I just can't seem to find that "reference". No wonder my other model looks screwed up with arms like that :O

And I do know that there's no direct FB ortho ref out there, but there needs to be one with this sort of anatomy.

self.giveup == 1;
google.failed == true;
google.image_search.failed == true;

EDIT: Yes, i've checked the good ol' ref thread and still have no luck, well if I had luck i wouldn't have posted this otherwise.


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