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Massive Black Workshop

polycounter lvl 19
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poopinmymouth polycounter lvl 19

What can I say? For me, this event dwarfs Siggraph, E3, and GDC put together. No fluff, No one there only because they are one of the good old boys. Only one vendor (corel painter).

Its all the good stuff, the lineup in just insane, John Foster, El Coro, Android, Jason Manley, Justin Sweet, and on and on and on. The amount of learning you will do in these 4 days is insane.

Its 550 bux, Hotels are 129 a night split between 4 people per room. I cannot stress how good a deal this is. This blows your school classes out of the water no matter how good your teachers are. These are some of the finest artist alive right now, all in one place, giving hardcore instruction. Its worth 5x this amount.

If you are a student, you cannot afford NOT to go. Don't wine, don't complain, just get there. Last year one guy sold his car in order to attend. If you are getting loans to pay for school, get one to cover this. It's seriously worth it.
I went to the Austin one, with Bobo, Darx, Guass, The_Bird, Scooby, St3ady, Joolz8000, J bradford, and BlankSlateJoe. I seriously learned more in those 4 days then any other class or workshop I have attended. Jason Manleys color theory lecture was amazing, watching Sparth lay down color and paint was out of this world, and seeing Smellybug sculpt was unbelievable.

This is the only workshop being held in the US this year. If it doesnt break even, (the austin one was at a loss) There will be no more workshops, and it would be a shame to see such an amazing thing die. Support the good artists, come learn a ton, and meet some amazing friends and artists.

I hope I sound like a friggin televangelist, because this was about as close to a religious experience you can have when dealing with art. Find a way to get there, thats all I can say.


  • ScoobyDoofus
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    ScoobyDoofus polycounter lvl 19
    I would love to go to this one, but I just dont know if I'll be able to raise the cash.
    The last one was a blast, and really let me know where I stand skills wise.
  • joolz8000
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    joolz8000 polycounter lvl 18
    Yeah, what Scooby said. I totally wanna go. I can't say enough how great the Austin one was- it's worth every penny.
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 19
    I'd go, but from London, ONT. to San Fransico just isn't in my budget. I could sell everything I own to make up the money, but then what would I do with the knowledge I had gained? Draw on the sidewalk w/ chalk? laugh.gif

    Really wish I could go frown.gif
  • b1ll
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    b1ll polycounter lvl 18
    I should be there smile.gif har har
  • flaagan
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    flaagan polycounter lvl 18
    well damn.. if i can get the time off from work this looks to be sweet
  • Kevin Johnstone
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    Kevin Johnstone polycounter lvl 19
    Well said Poop!

    I'd love to go. Hawkprey was talking about the last one, we both would have liked to have gone to that one as well but when projects hit crunch you know how it goes.

    I think you are completly right about just how huge an amount any of us would learn if we attended.

    As an example..

    I'm a hi poly newb but theres some hi poly monsters in the office and every couple of days or so I stand behind Pete Hayes ( YemYam ) for just 2 minutes and simply seeing 1 or 2 of what he considers 'lil tricks' completly changes my entire way of thought about hi poly and I grasp how to speed up my rate x3 and produce x2 my quality.


    Coming from the school of 'teach yourself' I've always had a sort of swaggering bravado mantra that would talk me into feeling pride in learning things the hard way and that I would get 'there' following my own road.

    I was completly wrong on that one!

    Spending 1 day listening to a master actually explain and demonstrate their methods shaves off 2-3 years of fumbling around by ourselves.

    Point being, I think Poop is preaching the letter of the law here. Something like the MB Workshop is worth taking a loan for.
  • KMan
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    KMan polycounter lvl 18
    Hell yeah! I'm down for that.
    I was pissed that I wasn't able to go to the one down in TX earlier.
  • Jeff Parrott
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    Jeff Parrott polycounter lvl 19
    I really think every should go that can. I was able to attend the one in June in a blistering hot Austin. There was an amazing bunch of artists there speaking, and also in attendance. Seeing Coro's sketchbooks and Marco draw in person are two enough reasons for any artist to go. I won't be able to go with the holidays right before this. I'm telling everyone I know to try and make it out there. I'd really love the workshops to be a constant thing and not die.
  • poopinmymouth
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    poopinmymouth polycounter lvl 19
    WHOOPS, i knew i forgot someone, Jeffro was there with us to! represent!!!
  • Pseudo
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    Pseudo polycounter lvl 18
    I would love to attend, but having just paid for a move to Los Angeles I dont know if it will be possible for me =(

    The whole thing makes me sad, because after seeing the pictures and write-ups from the Austin work shop I discovered a lot of badass artists like Marko and tons of others, and I promised myself that I would try to make it to the next one. With a little luck I will have some extra cash this holiday season, Ive got a birthday in December also so maybe that will bring me a little extra. Im not giving up hope yet!

    Regardless, I would absolutely LOVE to attend this workshop, it would be a good kick in the ass to go back to my traditional roots and start drawing again. Plus it sounds like you guys had an awesome time partying with the massive black guys after hours also =)
  • CCPhil
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    CCPhil polycounter lvl 18

    I must be blind, stupid or something or there is no date listed for this event on the website ?

    This roomsharing thing, if somebody wants to do that, could he post that here.

    Very hard to get that amount of money together but we will see laugh.gif
  • poopinmymouth
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    poopinmymouth polycounter lvl 19
  • flaagan
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    flaagan polycounter lvl 18
    oh man... i hope to god i can get those days off work and we're not in some ridiculous crunch for testing that i cant escape..
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Well, I booked my flights and reserved a spot at the workshop last night. This is gonna rock!
    So who is DEFINITELY going, out of the polycount crew? We need to meet up sometime smile.gif

    I can't wait ... I don't care if I'll be eating baked beans and noodles for the next 3 years - it will be worth it!

  • KMan
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    KMan polycounter lvl 18
    I guess I won't be able to go this time as well.
    I highly doubt I'll be able to get the time off, as I'll be scrubbing the blood off of poop's cubicle that week while he's gone.
  • poopinmymouth
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    poopinmymouth polycounter lvl 19
    mop and me are roommates. 8-)
  • FatAssasin
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    FatAssasin polycounter lvl 18
    Do you know if they'll be selling DVDs of the presentations? If they really want to make sure this thing is profitable, that's the way to go. I would definitely spring for a set of DVDs because I can't actually go in person.
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 18
    Keep us posted on the DVDs. Theres no way I can come all the way from Australia to check this out (though I might if I had the cash), so it'd be great to be able to get my hands on one of those discs.
  • LegionaireJoe
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    LegionaireJoe polycounter lvl 18
    I'm dead set on coming. 99.9% positive. Financially I can do this, just gotta straighten things out with work/school.

    Any Seattle-area polycounters want to carpool? I'm up in Bellingham (2hrs north) and I'm looking at transportation down to CA, and I'll probably Greyhound it down if I can't find some people to go with. I'm willing to drive, I can pay my portion of gas costs, and I am also willing to drive my car, and unless bad luck befalls me, it should survive the trip (its an '89 Integra coupe w/ 200k+ miles on it).

    Lodging is another issue... I've got a cousin in Modesto, which is about 2hrs away from San Fran, and he might possibly come. Don't necessarily want to drive 4hrs a day back to stay with them. A friend of mine from university is staying at the smaller of the two hotels, and she's rooming with a bunch of girls. Now that I think about it, she's also needing to figure out the transportation dealy. Regardless, feel free to contact me if it suits ya!
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    FAT_CAP polycounter lvl 18
    Ahhhhh man, this looks really good - so much talent all together will be a GREAT learning experience.

    Pity I cant book any time off at the minute due to crunch ... and the fact that I dont reall yknow anyone who would go with me from my circle of friends - or know anyone of here well enough to bunk rooms with frown.gif

    Will have ot get my IRC client working through my client, start going in #modeldesign and socialise with all you rich, lucky, non-deadline having shmos to gleam some of the tips and secrets you got there...and make some buddies who I can share a room with at next years1 laugh.gif

    ...and yeah - hope that DVD gets made - I for one would snap it up.
  • Scott Ruggels
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    Scott Ruggels polycounter lvl 18
    The title was misleading, I thought it had something to do with a Music act. I live close enough to san Fran to take my car or the train in. Interested. How much again?

  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    $550 for the "entrance fee" ... 4 days of arty goodness! Then on top of that you will have hotel fees...
  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    I think i might actually be able to go. <
    really freakin excited
  • blankslatejoe
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    blankslatejoe polycounter lvl 19
    ben's totally got this thing nailed, it's an incredible incredible experience. Gogogogogogo!

    joolze - hey man, remember me? I think I ate at ihop with you, medalwinds, cotron, metaphisiks, maldrin and his lady... at least.. I'm pretty sure that was you.

    jeffro - I didn't know you were there, I wonder if I met you there..
  • steady
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    steady polycounter lvl 18
    i cant go again, im poor. frown.gif
  • Jeff Parrott
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    Jeff Parrott polycounter lvl 19
    I don't remember meeting you Joe. I think I fell into a heat induced coma in Austin. Man, now that Mop is coming to this side of the pond I really want to go. Why do they have to put this thing a week after Christmas?
  • SouL
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    SouL polycounter lvl 18
    If you guys are going to hang around before/after the workshop, I'd like to tag along and meet some of you guys.
    SF is just an hour's train ride away.

    What's the current PC headcount?
  • Thermidor
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    Thermidor polycounter lvl 18
    my god mop , isnt that trip gona cost you about £1000 at least ? ... i would love to go to an event like this ...
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Thermidor: Not at least, at most. Fortunately my parents are very generous, but it means I won't be getting any Christmas or birthday presents for the next few years smile.gif

    Jeffro: Awww! Seriously, I'm not worth it wink.gif

    SouL: I'm getting there a day before the workshop begins, and leaving 1 1/2 days after, so sure, it looks like I'll have a little free time, on the evening/night of Jan 6th, and on the 11th I think. Probably not the 12th because I have to be at the airport for about 11am.
    I'll be arriving at SF airport around 5pm on the 6th.
    Would definitely be cool to meet up with you, and anyone else in the area who isn't attending the workshop.

    Yeah, we should assemble a list of polycounters going there, so we can arrange a meetup or something.

    So far all I know for sure is:

    possibly also (though I'm not sure):
    Scott Ruggels

    Anyone I'm missing?
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    When is it? Is it already happening? (the website makes me think it is in progress)
  • LegionaireJoe
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    LegionaireJoe polycounter lvl 18

    I'm rooming with two other guys at the Triton, from the 6-11th. We have room for one more, so if anyone needs to squeeze in, we'd gladly take ya.


    Well, I got my tuition paid, and in the middle of getting transportation figured out. I'll be staying from Jan 6-11, and I'd feel the most comfortable roomin' with polycounters, even though nobody probably remembers me from the old boards (reg. sept 01, only 200+ posts, professional lurker)... but still, Polycount is the community I know best, and frequent the most, so if at all possible, roomin' with PC'ers would be my preferred setup. Be talkin' to you soon~
  • Eli_Heuer
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    Eli_Heuer polycounter lvl 18
    I'll be there, I can't wait. It will be cool to meet some more polycounters.

    LegionaireJoe - Are you still looking for an extra roomate?
  • Daz
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    Daz polycounter lvl 18
    Im definitely not back from Britain until the 13th, so Im really sorry I'll miss you guys! Would have been awesome to attend and not to mention meet some poeple around here that Ive spoken to online for years.

    Have fun, and at night be careful around the Tenderloin, Market st, and Poop!!!


    http://www.sfstation.com is a great city guide.
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Daz: Heh, I'll be at Heathrow on the afternoon of the 12th :P

    Eli_Heuer, I think myself and Poopinmymouth are still looking for a roommate - maybe two! Depends if Shotgun is in or not.

    I for one guarantee not to rape you while you sleep, I don't know if I can say the same for Poop though..... hahahah smile.gif
  • Eli_Heuer
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    Eli_Heuer polycounter lvl 18
    mop - haha awesome, it would be cool to room with you and poop. well worth the risk of getting ass raped in my sleep.

    Send me an e-mail and let me know whats up.
  • rolfness
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    rolfness polycounter lvl 18
    Man I dont work in the industry and Im just a bean counter.. but damn I want to go to this .... I am checking flight costs ...
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Rolf: You don't work in the industry but you're already a good artist, so hell yeah come along if you can! It's all about the learning! smile.gif
  • rolfness
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    rolfness polycounter lvl 18
    hmmm frikkin flight £400+quid =.= shyt !!

    Im gonna have to do some seriousthinking about this it looks awesome.

    meh just read the course schedule it looks awesome, I cant believe they crammed so much into such a short space of time!!!!
  • LegionaireJoe
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    LegionaireJoe polycounter lvl 18
    Eli_Heuer, yeah its still only 3 people in our room and I'd have no problem with you jumpin' in our room. I'm not the person who has our room reserved though, so I'll PM you their contact information so you can get in touch with them. I'm sure it won't be a problem. smile.gif
  • poopinmymouth
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    poopinmymouth polycounter lvl 19
    No way Joe, he belongs to the brit and I. Room with us Eli, we are having strippers and crumpets every night!
  • kleinluka
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    kleinluka polycounter lvl 18
    I'd go if i didnt go to germany for xmas, but thats already been booked and i wont cancel it.. maybe next year!
  • PaK
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    PaK polycounter lvl 18
    I'm currently brainwashing kleinluka to go. The deal is, if he can scrape up the funds im gunna spring to and go. I get to meet my *cough* super-duper idol *gleems* poop, will you be my friend?

  • kleinluka
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    kleinluka polycounter lvl 18
    hehe =) well I MIGHT be able to get my money together.. depends on a few things.. we will see
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    Im fairly certain I'll be going, as long as there are still spots next week (I'll have the money by next week), so is there anyone who needs an extra roomate to split costs with?
  • LegionaireJoe
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    LegionaireJoe polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    No way Joe, he belongs to the brit and I. Room with us Eli, we are having strippers and crumpets every night!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Well Poop, I guess I wasn't cool enough to room with you & MoP when I asked a few weeks ago... tongue.gif

    Nah, on a more serious note, doesn't matter to me. Regardless, its not like rooming will be the only time we'll be able to hang out. My roomates & I still have an open spot, if anyone is still interested.
  • poopinmymouth
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    poopinmymouth polycounter lvl 19
    actually joe, while we were talking, I thought we were getting to know each other and that you wanted to room with us, I was gonna go into more specifics when you announced you had found other roommates.

    But yeah we will definately have to get a polycounters get together.
  • rolfness
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    rolfness polycounter lvl 18
    hmm dont think I will be able to make it new years and christmas is normally a horrific time for my bank account :/
  • frosty
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    frosty polycounter lvl 18
    Well Poop their is always smarties like you teaching us afterwards right? hint hint tutorials! laugh.gif Have fun!
  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    hey legionairejoe, that spot still open? Im trying to find a room right now. If its open, heres my contact info

    my MSN is bboybris@hotmail.com
    my AIM is aesur
    my ICQ is 202047534
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