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prophetic dreams

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eepberries polycounter lvl 18
Something bothering for the past couple hours.

Last night I had this dream that my cousin (female, about 50 years old, 3 sons: 17, 20, 22) had some sort of cancer. I assumed in the dream that it was breast cancer. I saw her sad and telling something to my family (we all went to another cousin's house to have Thanksgiving dinner). I didn't like this dream, and was glad when I woke up that it was just a dream.

So then we meet up today and we're all having a good time with family. Then after dinner, getting into the night, I see my cousin that I dreamed about crying and telling something to some of the family. I had a weird feeling. Then later tonight on the drive back, I found out that she in fact had ovarian cancer. She had just found out yesterday.

I'm not going to blab on about my feelings about her having cancer, as I'm sure you can guess, but rather I'll talk about what really bothers me.

Why did I have that dream last night? Why was I chosen for this message? I don't really know her that well.. but it happened anyway.

Has anybody ever had anything like this? Any thoughts? Anything?


  • Illusions
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    Illusions polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    Has anybody ever had anything like this? Any thoughts? Anything?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    1) Yes. Thoughts: Lucky for you to remember the entire thing as a whole, best I've ever done was remembered them jigsaw puzzle style. Anything? Yeah...its a pain in the ass sometimes as you don't know what it means till it happens, which would be like knowing the winning numbers for a lottery, but not realizing it until you see them on tv...

    I just chalk it up to cosmic deja vu and some as yet undiscovered physics/biological based phenomenon. Just sit back and enjoy the utter mundaneness of it all.
  • Voodoo
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    Voodoo polycounter lvl 18
    sorry to hear about the bad news! I dont think anybody is going to be able to give you a good answer to your questions. It comes down to your faith and what you believe; it's very introspective.

    I find that usually my dreams put me in stressful situations and I think it's a way for my body to process my emotions from the day, they've never really been prophetic and I'm actually glad they aren't or else I'd be in a world of trouble.

    I do have a very strong ability to self heal but I think that has more to do with positive thinking then any mystical power I have.

    I'm sorry I couldn't be of more help =/
  • Soccerman18
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    Soccerman18 polycounter lvl 18
    yea, had something similar happen to me a year or so ago. Had a dream that my grandma shot my mom with a shotgun, a phone call woke me up and it was my mom calling to tell me that my grandma just died. Really kinda freaked me out. About a week later I had a dream where my sister died, not going into any more detail as I don't really like thinking about it, but needless to say I was calling just about everyone I know making sure everyone was ok.
  • PaK
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    PaK polycounter lvl 18
    It's happened to my family many many times, to me aswell.

    My father always seems to have prophetic dreams or feelings regarding my career, he's been right 'every' time thus far. My mom knows some eerie stuff about my life aswell, things they could possibly have guessed, but I personally find it an unlikely conincidence.

    The most recent one was my cousin Ross (same name as me) who had a dream about his mom's diabetes and then called his mom immediatly to find out she was indeed very ill from her disease.

    I guess having some measure of faith makes these expierences more understandable. It's probably one of the driving factors of my faith, the strong intuitive nature in my family.

    There is a good book about it, There's the link
  • KDR_11k
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    KDR_11k polycounter lvl 18
    Only issue I have with dreams is that I tend to forget what was real and what I dreamt after a while, then I'm no longer sure what I told other people about or what I was told...
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