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Happy Turkey Day!

polycounter lvl 18
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frosty polycounter lvl 18
To fellow Americans getting off 11-25-04 and fellow members working in America, i.e. Harl, Rorshach and others, Happy Turkey day to all of you and enjoy eating your fill.

Did you know Ben Franklin wanted the Turkey named the U.S. national bird instead of the American Bald Eagle?


  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    WTF? There's a Turkey Day in the USA?
    Franklin should have got his way laugh.gif
  • Nerd Groupie
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    Nerd Groupie polycounter lvl 18
    Man do I love Thanksgiving food.

    Unfortunately, yes it is tomorrow, and no I don't know what I am doing. Depends on the boyfriend's work schedule. All I know is that if I don't get to binge on turkey, stuffing, bread and the works, I will not be a happy groupie.

    If Franklin would have gotten his way, does that mean we would feast on eagle?!
  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 18
    Interesting bit of info. I love my physiology class. grin.gif

    "Does the tryptophan in turkey make you sleepy after eating a big Thanksgiving turkey dinner?

    Sorry to say, that if you're looking for the sedative effect, it's unlikely you'll get it from eating meats like turkey. L-tryptophan doesn't act on the brain unless you take it on an empty stomach with no protein present. So it probably isn't at fault for the sudden drowsiness that hits right after the meal when the football games come on, and the dishes are waiting!

    It's more likely due to the combination of drinking alcohol and overeating - not just turkey, but also mashed potatoes, ham, creamed onions, cranberries, sweet potatoes, peas, stuffing (or dressing, if you prefer), carrots, bread, pies, and whipped cream - all of which have the effect of puling the blood away from your brain to help your digestive tract do it's work, and the sugar/insulin effect.

    On the bright side, more evidence suggest that caffeine is not only NOT bad for you; it actually helps many brain functions, alertness, learning, memory and countering Alzheimers... so as long as you don't become a total, jittery addict... have a cup of coffee or green tea.
  • Ryno
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    Ryno polycounter lvl 18
    We're doing a non-traditional Thanksgiving, due to the fact that turkey doesn't even make our top 100 list of favorite foods. So, instead, it'll be steak, lobster, prawns, spicy Mexican stuffing, homemade bread with goat cheese fondue, garlic green beans, peanut butter pie, berry pie, many bottles of zinfandel (red), and fine northwestern brews. Eat, drink, and watch lots of football (American style of course!). Gotta love Thanksgiving.
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Well then, Ryno, happy Steak, Lobster, Prawns, Spicy Mexican Stuffing, Homemade Bread with Goat Cheese Fondue, Garlic Green Beans, Peanut Butter Pie, Berry Pie, Many Bottles of Zinfandel (red), and Fine Northwestern Brews Day! smile.gif
  • The3DGuy
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    The3DGuy polycounter lvl 18
    yay for turkey.
  • nitzmoff
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    nitzmoff polycounter lvl 18
    I would love to add a slew of interesting facts to this thread as well, but since I've got nothing, I'll just fall back on to saying I can't help myself around good stuffing... even totally acknowledging it's "nothing more than glorified croutons" makeup.

    I'm weak.
  • bearkub
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    bearkub polycounter lvl 18
    I have to work thanksgiving.

    After that, it is home to have a turkey pot pie with the dog and play games and drink. Wooo!
  • ShadoKat
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    ShadoKat polycounter lvl 18
    Yes, happy Turkey Day to all! Having my parents over, and I think they're bringing Halo 2 so we can play games instead of watching a bunch of ball-chasing.
  • Scott Ruggels
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    Scott Ruggels polycounter lvl 18
    President Lincoln declared a number of thanksgivings, for example in April 1862, and July 1863 after Gettysburg. Two months later Lady's Book magazine editor Sarah Hale wrote a letter to Lincoln urging him to proclaim a national day of Thanksgiving reflecting the traditional holiday. Lincoln soon issued a declaration asking that the blessings bestowed upon the country "be solemnly, reverently, and gratefully acknowledged as with one heart and one voice by the whole American people" and inviting Americans at home and abroad "to set apart and observe the last Thursday of November next as a day of thanksgiving and praise to our beneficent Father who dwelleth in the heavens." This was the first general Thanksgiving observance, but the following year the holiday became the occasion for a national show of unity and support.

    In October 1864, the president again decreed that the last Thursday of November be set aside to offer up prayers "for a return of the inestimable blessings of peace, union, and harmony throughout the land which it has pleased Him to assign as a dwelling-place for ourselves and for our posterity throughout all generations." Shortly thereafter, on October 27, a citizen of New York City known first only by the initials GWB (belonging to noted editor George W. Blunt), used the occasion of the holiday to propose a great national endeavor. Blunt suggested that "something be done for the Army and Navy" for Thanksgiving, "not only to aid them in keeping the day properly, but to show them they are remembered at home." He proposed to send the troops "poultry and pies, or puddings, all cooked, ready for use." He estimated it would take 50,000 turkeys and a like number of pies to feed the 220,000 men of the Army and Navy in Virginia then besieging Richmond. "This seems to be a big undertaking," he wrote, "but I do not see any difficulty in carrying it out." The food could be prepared and boxed up by those who could afford it, and shipped from New York a few days in advance, in time to be distributed the day before. If the idea has merit, he wrote, "I am ready to do my best with others to put it through."


    and they did.
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    TNSLB polycounter lvl 18
    We're being holiday-Hobbits, actually. Tomorrow is 'First Christmas'. We decided last year to have the UK family over for thanksgiving, but do christmas, as it's all the same food, and that way they can still spend Second Christmas with the extended family in the UK. And we can spend it with the US family, in Minnesota.

    So tonight is First Christmas Eve, and appropriately it's snowed a lot today. Went out and finished up shopping, going to get a jump start on the food prep for tomorrow, and then stuff some stockings and go to bed!
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Sounds like a damn good arrangement, Tins! Merry First Christmas to your holiday-Hobbit-household! laugh.gif
  • PaK
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    PaK polycounter lvl 18
    Nice read Scott. i agree that the best, most visionary leaders find ways to bring people together. All my favorite leaders in histroy doso, a great number of them are indeed American.

    I was supposed to spend Thanksgiving in Portland today, but I'm here beta testing our game instead. canadian Thanksgiving is in oct (colder, earlier harvest I'm assuming is the reason) But all my favorite Thanksgiving moments have been in Portland with my best friend leo's family. Very cozy holoiday, I love turkey smile.gif

    God Bless,

  • The3DGuy
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    The3DGuy polycounter lvl 18
  • bearkub
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    bearkub polycounter lvl 18
    I'm here at work, so those of you at home, enjoy the day with people close to you. Happy turkey day, kids. Be safe, be happy.
  • NuclearTes
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    NuclearTes polycounter lvl 18
    Happy Turkey Day everyone! And don't let the turkey chicken out or you will have to eat chicken. tongue.gif
  • Illusions
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    Illusions polycounter lvl 18
    Happy Turkey day...eat up all... smile.gif
  • r13
  • Cannon
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    Cannon polycounter lvl 18
    I'm going to be eating ham myself today, although I have the option of turkey as well...

    Ham is just better.
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