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Maya and UT

Arthur Green
polycounter lvl 18
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Arthur Green polycounter lvl 18
Hello -

I'm trying to get to grips with Maya PLE to make character models for UT2k3/4. All my productive modelling and animation experience has been with Milkshape3D, CharacterFX and Lithunwrap. Maya PLE (v4 as supplied with UT2k3) seems to have a fundamentally different approach to modelling - I can't even manage to switch views successfully.

Has anyone any pointers for moving from Milkshape et al to Maya? Book recommendations, tutorials would all be welcome.

I've also downloaded Maya PLE 6, but not installed it yet. Is it any easier to use than PLE 4? In particular, are there tools to export from PLE6 to UT2k3/4?

Thanks for all useful advice and suggestions smile.gif


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