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Robot time.

polycounter lvl 19
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dur23 polycounter lvl 19
This is my current wip for the cgtalk compo.


A lot of influence from iron giant, gauss, and tesla style machinery.


  • EarthQuake
    cool, feet are kinda boring but i like everything else
  • KMan
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    KMan polycounter lvl 18
    COol robots dur. Obviously the influence is there. I'd almost say it needs mor rivets. but they could be half as big, depending on how big these bots are gonna be.
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 18
    Nice design, particularly the walking pot-belly stove. I reckon they'd look nicer with a cast-iron texture rather than the shiny metal you've got on there now, to continue the steam-punky flavour you've got going there. I'd kinda like to see a heavier steampunk influence running through them, but thats just a personal preference thing. One thing that would, I think, Improve the pot belly robot is if you gave him a skinny stove pipe with a conical cap on top instead of that great huge chimney he's got now. He'd look more balanced and it'd seem like a more in keeping with the feel of the rest of him.
  • Irritant
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    Irritant polycounter lvl 18
    Very nice. Can't wait to see them textured.
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 19
    Love it. Did a good job of grasping a furnace feeling. Looking forward to seeing them textured.
  • Steakhouse
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    Steakhouse polycounter lvl 18
    oh hell yeah, coal burners make the coolest bots! The top one needs a hell of a lot molre rivits though.
  • gauss
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    gauss polycounter lvl 18
    well i'm flattered to say the least smile.gif great stuff dur. you've got a really good sensibility about where surfaces meet each other and varying the soft edges with the hard.

    as far as the top guy, i also think he might use a few more rivets, but not too many more. he's got a pretty together look as it is--varying some of the pipes on the back might help, though, a little asymmetry here and there goes a long way in giving some character. i like how on both characters the stove grate makes a kind of face for the robot--it might be kind of fun for that to be the anthropomorphic 'face' of the robot, but for it to still have a mechanical eye or other sensory apparatus that actually detects.

    in any case the proportions and overall feel of these guys is just wonderful, keep up the good work. it'll be awesome to see them fully decked out for the compo smile.gif
  • dur23
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    dur23 polycounter lvl 19
    eq: Ya i redid the feet like 10 times had like 50 different sketches of them...still havn't decided 100% on which ones to go with. thanks.

    Kman: there will be a few more rivets going into the big one. The small fellow stands at about 3 feet tall. Where the big fella is at about 10-12 feet tall. Still have to play with sizes and such.

    jackablade: thanks for the crits. Ya i plan to have more pipes running up and down them. Some gauges and other such steampunkish trinkets. The little fella is actually gonna be one of a couple coal carriers for the big fella. So that giant thing on the top of his head will actually be fore carrying coal. It has a latch on the top so it opens up. Which could also make for some sweet animation secondary action. smile.gif

    irritant, adam: i have to calm myself down and not get too excited about texturing. That is my favorite part...so i have to fight jumping into it until the characters are done modeling wise....hehe...thanks

    steakhouse: we'll see.....i want to throw in a bunch more rivets. Ill have to test them to see if the places i have set up for them will look good or not:)

    gausspunk: Ya i really did wanna make an all new and improved version of churchill. But decided it would be better just come up with my own. So with churchill still in my mind i came up with the big fella. thus the main stove pipe being kinda similar to churchill's. I do plan on adding some more rivets to the big guy, without over doing it. As for the faces ya, i wanna put a sensory device. We'll see what i come up with. i thought maybe for the big fella a nice shoulder mounted piece. Oh ya and that big guy is only about 70-80% done modeling wise. The assymetry will come with the last little bit here. A lot more pipes and steam whissles and guages. Thanks for the crits.

    Ill upload an update and wireframe tonight and a proportion scale image.
  • John Warner
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    John Warner polycounter lvl 18
    very cool. i see the influence for sure. awesome stuff as usual dur smile.gif
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