Hello everyone, I have a question about UV maps.
I'm working with multiple lods. I was wondering if there is a tool to simply clone the UV mapping from one model to the next. I mean something that works like a normal mapper. Anything like this exhist? This would save me MUCHO time.
Thanx a bunch for the help.
I can't think of anything offhand that would do this.
What I usually do for LOD models, in 3DS Max, is take the original fully-detailed model, and just use the "MultiRes" modifier on it - that will preserve the general UV layout and remove mesh detail at the same time, pretty handy.
Im pretty much just looking for a standalone tool to try. Something that will take a a source model and clone the UV to a destination model. Its probably just wishful thinking though.
I'm gonna check that out in Max. If it works out, then that would be the solution to all my problems. I would be a REALLY happy camper then.
Thanx a million for the suggestion.
Barring that, best bet IMO is to use Editable Poly and remove edge loops (or rings) manually. Should preserve the UVs.
MultiRes tended to chew up the topology for me, making the lower LODs not nice to deform... edges tended to cross the joints, instead of go around them. And it also seemed to make assymetrical choices. But like MoP says, it's hella quick.
That should preserve the vertex weights for the rig, so you can optimise the mesh then re-pose it in it's neutral state and collapse the stack, which hopefully will leave you with an optimised mesh with working deformations.
but later I reduced it to 1500 triangles.
The UVs were preserved despite the fact that I removed some verts, etc. (note: I collapsed the unwrap mod before editing the mesh)
BUT some of the UVs got stretched. But this is ok I guess considering not all UVs got messed up.
(on max6 btw)