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Smith & Wesson M29

polycounter lvl 10
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andreygheorghe polycounter lvl 10
Hi guys!Since I'm out of work right now I'm trying to focus on my portofolio.As I got a suggestion here for this one I've tried to create a little scene so it will be more grounded.I'm pretty happy with the result and if anyone has any critique I'm glad to hear it.


  • Ashervisalis
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    Ashervisalis grand marshal polycounter
    Nice! A few notes:

    Glass material needs work. It's not looking like glass atm. Get some refraction in there. It also feels too dark atm. Barrel looks like a few low poly shapes with a random wood material slapped on. Cards can use some grunge and bending. The gun looks nice but the enviro its rendered in looks like not enough effort has gone into it. I think you need to upgrade the lighting too. Currently it looks like some flat white lights. Maybe use an HDRI?

    Regarding the gun, I feel you could add some discoloration in the metal. For the roughness variation, yours looks a bit randomized. I would tone down the opacity of the grunge a bit and reduce in some areas. For the modeling,  the area where the wood handle meets the metal of the gun, it looks like there is meant to be more of a curve to the wood which yours is missing.

  • kanga
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    kanga quad damage
    If you are going to do a close up then as sed above, the barrel looks really plastic. Everything is uniform, no grooves (planks) and little or no variation. The upside down gun in the first pick looks odd. The grip and the barrel are way too close in texture and half closing your eyes makes it disappear against the barrel surface.  As sed the grunge over the pistol metal is way too uniform.
  • andreygheorghe
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    andreygheorghe polycounter lvl 10
    Thanks very much guys ( @kanga and @Ashervisalis ).You were actually right,I've rushed the supporting props and you can obviously tell that in the final image.I'm starting to learn Designer so this gave me a good opportunity to create a wood material.Also added refraction,looks good in Marmoset but for the life of me I can't figure where the caustics option is in version 5  :/ .Anyways,I've uploaded a few images,they are not final because I didn't had the chance to work on the gun itself so far but the environment should look better this time.Thank you and,as always,further criticism is welcomed!
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