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Console Cowboy - Neuromancer character development

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pxgeek greentooth
A personal take on the main character from the novel. The character has been batting around my head for while, but i've been feeling especially dystopian as of late. Thought it might be fun post progress on it here.

The concept sketch I did myself...so yeah, it's crude. But it helps to give me a general vibe, and it'll likely change/evolve.


  • pxgeek
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    pxgeek greentooth

    some garment refinements inside of marv.
    I think I'll ditch the open jumpsuit/coverall idea for now.  I prefer how it looks without it (it was looking a little frumpy before).

    And some of the references for the fashion:

  • kanga
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    kanga quad damage
    Nice improvements on the garments! Looking forward to seeing progress.
  • pxgeek
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    pxgeek greentooth
    Thanks kanga!

    Doing a skin details pass for face and body.

    and here's a few references for who i'm "casting" for the face. I randomly happened across his photo and felt it would fit perfectly for this character, so i thought i might as well use him and try to get a likeness.

  • pxgeek
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    pxgeek greentooth
    One more iteration on his outfit before abandoning the open jumpsuit idea.

    I'm starting to like it more...
    It's getting back some of that slacker/punk/grunge vibe that I was going for, while still giving him a strong silhouette.
  • pxgeek
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    pxgeek greentooth
    Been working on the hi-poly sculpt for his sneakers.
    The soles and laces were a little tricky to nail, but I'm pretty happy with how it's shaping up. (Is that even allowed???) :sweat_smile:

    It's based off the Nike React Element 87. It comes in so many snazzy colorways too!

  • pxgeek
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    pxgeek greentooth
    Sculpt pass on his clothes:

    Need to work on his body next. The idea is to give him some tattoos and cybernetic grafts so that he has a bit more of an identity and moves beyond just "guy in tank top and sneakers"
  • Eric Chadwick
    Looking great, keep
    it up!
  • pxgeek
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    pxgeek greentooth
    Thanks Eric!

    So It's been a minute, but I'm still working on this. I've been making some progress with base colors for his body.

    I took a long detour trying to learn how to do lettering for his main chest and back tattoo. It was a bit tedious figuring out the design and trying to make it look cool and also meaningful, but I feel like it was worth the extra effort.
    Most of the other tattoos are just fun/silly/dumb references to the cyberpunk genre. They were fun to design and probably even a little tacky, but i'm okay with that.
    The Mortal Kombat logo I put in there as a nod to Matt Healy who i'm basing the likeness of; although I did change his band name (1975) to 1984, the year Neuromancer was published. Which, coincidentally, is also the name of another dystopian fiction :p
  • kanga
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    kanga quad damage
    Great progress man! Don't worry about the timeline, it's well worth the wait B)
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