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Xgen groom feedback

polycounter lvl 6
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Enrique90 polycounter lvl 6
Hello, been working on this for a bit and I've hit a wall with it. Would love a another pair of eyes and some feedback if anyone has the time. Thanks! 


  • Ruz
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    Ruz polycount lvl 666
    Its not too bad, maybe just a bit more irregularitiy, even color variation - maybe darker roors and some extra wisps to cover up the roots
    as they look a little thin right now
  • Enrique90
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    Enrique90 polycounter lvl 6
    Thank you for the feedback! Difficult to get replies so much appreciated.  Some updates!

  • Ruz
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    Ruz polycount lvl 666
    improving , the face overall has a good feel to  it. maybe the eye shapes need a bit more work and maybe the cheekbones, need to recede a bit further back( or bring them in slightly) maybe that's just a matter of taste/slylism etc
    Hair looks fine, but maybe a few more bits of clumping to break it up a little
    is this done in maya arnold?
  • iam717
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    iam717 greentooth
    Grainiest of salts,
    i only did this kind of hair once (plaines/haircards) i did see something i do not usually see in people's hair which is the frontal view and being able to see the scalp skin, it could be a lighting situation but here is a reference image (g image search pic)  + a straight version it could be an age thing/curse of future baldness thing by the maker but i hardly see this version (current you have) where we can see the scalp.  Only trying to help and since you said you do not receive any feedback i tried to add something.
    Looks good as is otherwise this is just a suggestion to review.
  • Ruz
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    Ruz polycount lvl 666
    @iam717 its a valid point because its really hard to get the hair looking natural where the hair meets the scalp. it often comes out looking like lots of little lines, but in reality there are little clumps which break that up
    i use clump maps to try and recreate that, but still have not totally cracked it
    some people addd extra layers of hair to try and fake it
  • Ruz
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    Ruz polycount lvl 666
    so this is a comparison. hope you don't mind me posting my own artwork @Enrique90
    i still cannot figure out that some scenes the hair looks great then others looks like arse
    ie leemarvin nice soft hair

    jeff bridges looks like spagetti strands , just weird

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