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What is it like to work in an industrial company that works with multiple software?

polycounter lvl 2
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emilko309 polycounter lvl 2
Hello mates, I've been working as a freelancer for some time now, during which time I've learned to use a lot of broad of software, as generalist I know that you can imbed different software in your pipeline, but how is this in a company? I really like to ear your experience about this bc atm I really feel comfortable either Blender or Maya,  but I would like to know in order to self-evaluate and improve my weaknesses. Cheers


  • poopipe
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    poopipe grand marshal polycounter
    Depends really. 

    If the studio is large and/or successful ..
    they have to buy business license for things which can get very expensive
    they have certain requirements related to liability insurance so licenses have to be vetted thoroughly - open source can be a problem there too
    they probably have an established pipeline and a load of processes surrounding it
    someone has to support it 

     more big == more paperwork == more cost == more difficult to get traction on new things. 

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