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Water Doplets Brush - Substance Painter Physical Paintbrush

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Ryan_JJ triangle
Hey everyone. Just a quick question (didnt know where else to ask?)

I'm trying ot use a Physial painty brush in Adobe Substance Painter to mask roughness to give the effect of 'Water droplets' from condensation. 

However I'm noticing that the brush can have some inconsistency? I have no idea which setting to change to prevent this though!
The right painted part was me using th paint brush slowly.
The left I made a quick paint stroke and you can see the thickness of the paint particle is not consistent? 

What causes this effect? Since these are supposed to be water droplets, the inconsistency is not realistic so it'd be great to dogire this out.

Thanks for any help! :)


  • Benjammin
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    Benjammin greentooth
    You're painting with particles, which aren't all that sophisticated, really - particles collide with your mesh and leave paint behind, and when you paint quickly you're moving the emitter faster than it can spawn particles.
    In my experience, the masks you get from these brushes are almost never good enough on their own. I tend to multiply/screen them with some kind of streaky grunge map to get water grunge/damage.
  • Alex_J
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    Alex_J grand marshal polycounter
    its been a long time but i recall when using this particle sim brushes, i think you only need to click like once and then let the sim run, rather than work with it like a brush (holding down and dragging)
    if you want streaks of water you can increase particle life span and just click once, wait until the particles die, and click again if needed.

    if going for scattered drops i think you can just use a regular brush with high scatter and again, just click once, using it like a stamp
    or alternatively, use a grunge map on  a fill layer and use a mask to expose where it appears
  • Ryan_JJ
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    Ryan_JJ triangle
    Thanks guys, I've been doing a mix of both of your suggestions with Grunge maps. 

    I set the roughness mask with some grunge but then I wanted to add another layer of realism by adding hand-place water droplet streaks. 

    But yea that makes sense Alex_J, click once and wait, no dragging the brush across...
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