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[WIP] "Retro" Bedroom

polycounter lvl 4
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polysteve polycounter lvl 4
Wanted to make a simple environment to focus on prop making. Decided to make a teen's bedroom set in the early 2000's (yes that's retro now and yes that makes me feel old lol)

current progress: Blockouts with some focal points made


still deciding on color tone, I really like the dark look with those saturated colors from that time but I also like the idea of a warm afternoon to give it more of a summer day as a kid nostalgia. Or maybe I'll scope creep and do both in like a time lapse lol


  • polysteve
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    polysteve polycounter lvl 4
    this is what I'm thinking for layout and what I want to make next. Still working on the big important objects before I can start making clutter stuff to really liven up the place.  I'm basically making what kinda room I would have had at that time when I'm making stuff, so lots of strewn clutter and things that weren't exactly taken care of the best XD

  • polysteve
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    polysteve polycounter lvl 4
    I have a couple of the hero props created first, mostly to figure out the style I wanted to go with and to get some practice with environment storytelling.

    The first is this Stratocaster that's actually based on the one I own lol. Wanted to look like it's been well worn with missing parts and lotsa scuffs and damage. And of course give it a couple of stickers for aesthetics XD

    the entertainment shelf took way longer than I thought it would. Still not completely happy with the amount of clutter on it, and it's probably too big in retrospect. Still I can always add more clutter and adjust things, will wait to mess with that until after I get everything else in

    can see more renders and the viewer files on my folio:
  • polysteve
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    polysteve polycounter lvl 4
    Couple really small updates this week. Refined the block in more and finished up all the architectural assets with the plugs n light switches and finish the base texture for the accent wall

    still some small tweaks I have to make like the clipping on the corner wood trim. Next I'm probably gonna work on getting all the big furniture done and placed!
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