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The Bi-Monthly Environment Art Challenge | May - June (90)

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Hey everyone! Welcome to the 90th edition of the Bi-Monthly Environment Art Challenge for the months of May and June!

This challenge is a way for real-time 3D artists to test their skills and create a piece of work based on concepts provided. It's open to those of all skill levels and we do our best to provide meaningful feedback along the way so everyone can come away from the challenge with actionable points on which they can improve their craft!

Anyone is welcome in this challenge no matter your skill level! It's a test of your own ability not a competition between members. We're all here to improve as artists and learn from each other.



Not a Nice Walk by Giulia Gentilini


Mask Shop Interior by Oleksandr Klakov



Panopticon Headquarters - Survival by Richard PL


Market Stalls by Haris Petritsopoulos


Please read all the rules before starting:
  • Try to post at least one critique for every post that you make. This will make for a better learning environment and help us all grow as artists.
  • Try your best to finish as much as you can in the time frame provided, but remember even if you don't finish by the end of the challenge we encourage you to keep pushing and finish your piece!
  • Post what you are working on in this thread so that way it's a more centralized place for advice and critique. Please avoid creating a new thread as we don't want to spam out the forums.
  • It is recommended to use a game engine to present your work. Unreal Engine, Unity, and Godot are very common engines that can be used but feel free to use any alternatives that you want. (Marmoset Toolbag for example.)
  • Feel free to change up your chosen concept a bit if you want! Interpret these concepts to your liking, especially if your aim is to add storytelling elements.
  • If you finish your project and decide to post it to something like Artstation, make sure you give credit to the concept artist in the form of a link to their profile. Additionally, it is recommended to ask a concept artist for their permission to post a 3D piece based on their work before doing so.


  • When you are just starting out making a scene, it can seem complicated or imposing. Take your time planning and blocking out, it will set you up for success later on.
  • Think about how you can re-use assets, re-use textures, break it down as simple as possible and plan it out. A lot of people will break it down in their own way when they start out their challenge. Gather some reference images as well for different parts of the scene, don't be afraid to make it your own.
  • We strongly encourage you to go and look at other games and see how they make their assets as well as get concept art to give it your own feel.
The goal is to learn and grow both artistically and in your ability to both give and receive critique, but don't stress about it and remember to have fun!

Good luck everyone!


  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master

    Blocking out, setup some spline blueprints for the tunnel, lighting seems like it's going to be a bit tricky to get it right and a lot of faking things.
  • Pep_mepla
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    Pep_mepla polycounter lvl 2
    ZacD said:

    Blocking out, setup some spline blueprints for the tunnel, lighting seems like it's going to be a bit tricky to get it right and a lot of faking things.

    I think the proportions are really great, they do emphasize the size of the space. I am really looking forward to see how you tackle those mushrooms!

    This is the first time I am trying one of the Environments, so I'm kind of scared, but excited as well. Masks are my obsession, so this is the perfect project for me to begin with.

    This is a quick blockout made in Blender, just to throw in Unreal and have a feel for proportions. Im going more for a playable space, rather than a perfect duplicate of the concept.

  • miriuk
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    miriuk polycounter lvl 3
  • Fabi_G
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    Fabi_G insane polycounter
    Started a blockout of the market stand:

  • miriuk
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    miriuk polycounter lvl 3
    Started the blockout today
  • Its0urFate
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    Its0urFate polycounter lvl 2
    Blockout + Some light sculpting so far. Hoping to get acclimated with zbrush again for this project and really experiment with stylized texturing
  • zoeyw
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    zoeyw triangle
    The very first time to join the challenge! Here's my stylized prop blockout. I'll move to Zbrush and keep sculpting details.

  • stahlwart
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    stahlwart triangle
    First time taking part in one of these! Second time doing this blockout because I forgot to save >.<

  • klamante
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    klamante triangle
    This is the first time I am trying one of the Environments, so I'm kind of scared, but excited as well. Masks are my obsession, so this is the perfect project for me to begin with.

    This is a quick blockout made in Blender, just to throw in Unreal and have a feel for proportions. Im going more for a playable space, rather than a perfect duplicate of the concept.

    I love the atmosphere you're building here, though the light could be a little less intense, as the rest of the room seems pretty dark on the concept. But I'm not good at environments. :D Looking forward to seeing the progress!

    It's also my first time taking part in the challenge, so hello everyone. (: Good to see so many market stalls - I hope I can learn something from you, guys!

    Here's my attempt - it's already a bit more than just a block out, as I can't stop myself from going into details. Right now I'm thinking of how can I tackle the veggies - I would like to omit sculpting and go full hand-paint right away.
  • Its0urFate
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    Its0urFate polycounter lvl 2
    Got most of the sculpting done and wanted to move onto implenting textures. Tried to stick to a more stylized texturing style within Painter and keeping the roughness pretty high. Not too stoked on the wooden boxes (need to add more sculpt detail and silhouette changes) and maybe some more color variation on the cloth tarp. But I like where I ended up today :)  The ground I'm keeping separate for now (wanna work with designer on that one)

  • yashar98
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    yashar98 polycounter lvl 9
    Hi there. this is my fast blockout! ;)

  • archie_garcia_27
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    archie_garcia_27 polycounter lvl 5
    Excited to work on this Vinyl Player prop. I think I could turn into a great portfolio piece. Here's my blockout starting out so far. For scale I used a standard 12" vinyl disc and the AA batteries real world dimensions as scale reference for the whole case.

  • Michele
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    Michele triangle
    Hi, i'm a casual blender user, never made anything crazy. Now i'm trying to learn how to use it properly, i'm trying to pay more attention to the topology, i'm learning how to reroute and contain geometry were it's needed. This would be the first complex project foe me. Can I ask some question here while I work on it? Should I ask in other sections of the forum?
  • miriuk
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    miriuk polycounter lvl 3
    Small progress from my side 

  • klamante
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    klamante triangle
    miriuk said:
    Small progress from my side 

    Looks great! Love the details. (:
  • klamante
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    klamante triangle
    Well, I managed to model all the veggies and started preparing the UVs. Each color is going to be a different UDIM - don't know if I approach this the right way. I mean the groups or texel density. If you guys have any tips on how to do it correctly, I'll be grateful! In the meantime, I'm gonna watch some tutorials on YT before moving forward. =)

  • Fabi_G
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    Fabi_G insane polycounter
    Nice progresses :-B

    @Its0urFate I agree, some large to medium details would help to give the wood some directionality and break up the now empty areas.

    I got around to continue with the market stand. I chose to just model away and then map the faces to flat colors, a workflow I recently picked up from Alex_J's project. Also added some subtle gradients into vertex color. Rendered in Toolbag with a cell shader by almighty_gir. Unfortunately can't export a viewer with the shader.

    Edit: "Finished" it:

    Created an Artstation project with a short turntable clip.
  • stahlwart
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    stahlwart triangle
    Almost done with the texture painting...! Kind of sad that stage is over because now I have to arrange everything else lol
    Edit: done! Just gotta whack it into Unreal now.

  • klamante
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    klamante triangle
    @Fabi_G Love the atmosphere and shadows! I can almost feel the warmth of the sun. Beautiful. (:

    I have added base colors and shadows to mine - time to finally paint the details.

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