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(WIP) Portfolio piece- Roman Bridge

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I am currently studying game graphics at The Game Assembly, and are in the middle of our portfolio course.
During the course, we need to do three different portfolio pieces, and I have been working on my first one for 4 weeks. 
I feel like I have been stuck for the last 2 days and don't know how to progress with this piece, so will gladly take any form of feedback!
Here are some screenshots of my scene in Unreal. 

I am basing my piece on  Arnoldas Kukulskis's concept, which is on Artstation.

(I am part of The Game Assembly’s internship program. As per the agreement between the Game Industry and The Game Assembly, neither student nor company may be in contact with one another regarding internships before April 23rd. Any internship offers can be made on May 6th, at the earliest.)


  • Alex_J
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    Alex_J grand marshal polycounter
    Looks like the concept has a lot more color, whereas your marble is nearly all gleaming white. 

    might be worthwhile putting some mannequins in there for scale reference. 

    i think the concept has greater vertical scale. The hemisphere shaped building has two stories in concept but you only have one. Having that sense of height might feel more impressive. 

    I think matching color scheme of the concept would be biggest bang for the buck though. Just look at that emerald water and the rich earthy red-brown. 
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