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Issue with Normal Map Baking in Substance Painter - Cloud Area Problem

Hello everyone,

I am experiencing difficulties with the normal map baking process in Substance Painter and I would like to seek your assistance in finding a solution. I have followed all the necessary steps to import an FBX file from ZBrush and perform the high-poly to low-poly mesh bake in Substance Painter. However, there is a specific area where the normal map baking is not working correctly.

I have checked and ruled out several potential issues, including mesh topology, UV coordinates, material names and assignments, as well as scale and orientation problems. Additionally, I have reviewed the normal map bake and everything appears to be correct in all areas except for the region where the clouds of the piece are located.

In that particular area, there is an anomalous square that should not be present in the normal map bake. I have checked the UV coordinates to ensure there is no overlap, the normal map texture resolution is sufficiently high, and the high-poly mesh in ZBrush properly displays the details of the clouds.

Before reaching out to you, I would like to know if you require any specific screenshots to better understand the issue. I am willing to provide any additional information necessary to resolve this inconvenience.

I appreciate any guidance or suggestions you can provide to help me solve this issue with the normal map baking in Substance Painter.

I will attach detailed screenshots in my next message to assist in visualizing the problem more clearly.

Thank you very much for your attention and assistance!

Low-Hight correctly positioned

UVs not overlaping


  • poopipe
    Online / Send Message
    poopipe grand marshal polycounter
    it looks like your projection distances are too large. 

    try reducing them ,if that doesn't work you might need to use a cage

    I'm not sure where the extra but in the UVs comes from though- that's a bit strange but it will be something in your low-poly UVset

  • Dracomanros
    Offline / Send Message
    THANKS¡¡ it just was the overlaping of the tentacles in the low UVs. I had sculpted just one of them and i applyed the array modifier after making UVs to got them all in one place, because of that some tentacles have a "nothing" hight map to bake (tentacles that i have no sculpted = empty space = black bake).

    Just if someone have the same problem, you must apply the modifier AFTER you got the final texture.
  • Fabi_G
    Offline / Send Message
    Fabi_G insane polycounter
    It's also possible to offset the UVs by one unit in the UVs setting of the Array modifier:

    Same applies when using the mirror modifier.
    For instances/duplicates, UVWarp modifier can be used to offset UVs.
  • Dracomanros
    Offline / Send Message
    I didn't know that, it's so cool. By the way here i has just one tentacle sculpted so all must be the same place.
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