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3DS Max, Cutout (Opacity map) is not working

polycounter lvl 2
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sodash polycounter lvl 2

Hello! Hello! I am having issue with model with opacity. When I import alpha map, some area become transparnt which is not what I wan.t I exported as glb file but the mesh is still transparent in some area. Need some tech support if you guys know anything about this kind of issue... Thank your for your help! I have screenshot so please check.. I imported the model to Spatial.


  • Eric Chadwick

    1. What version of 3ds Max?

    2. How are you exporting to GLB? Babylon.js exporter, 3ds Max glTF exporter, some other tool?

    3. What material type are you using? Can you please show screenshot of material settings?

    4. Can you ZIP the GLB and upload it here as an attachment? I have a lot of experience with glTF, maybe I can help.

    5. What parts do you want to be transparent, and which parts not transparent?

  • sodash
    Offline / Send Message
    sodash polycounter lvl 2

    Thank you!! That will help me alot.

    1. 3ds Max 2023 (Should I use older version?)
    2. I am just exported from export option. There is glb file type when you export. No need to install babylon. In Maya, I am using Babylon
    3. Uploaded screenshot for the material. But Im using default material.
    4. Uploaded ZIP file. It included fbx and alpha map too. The model is for TEST cuz I thought my model has something wrong with mesh but the result is the same even I did modeling from scratch again.
    5. Only The top. Not others.

    Thank you for help sir...

  • Eric Chadwick

    3ds Max 2023 includes a glTF Material, you should be using it. This material has controls for Alpha Mode, and mimics glTF rendering, in the Max viewport.


  • Eric Chadwick

    Your material is using Alpha Blend, which can cause sorting errors. If you switch the material to Alpha Test (called "Mask" in the material, and in the glTF specification), the sorting errors disappear.

    This is in the online viewer Babylon.js, which is an excellent way to troubleshoot a glTF model. https://sandbox.babylonjs.com/

    If you want the tree to be solid, and the rest of the box to be transparent, then you need to invert the texture. Black (and grays) will be transparent, and white will be opaque.

    Here it is setup inside 3ds Max 2023. To get better viewport preview of Mask mode, make sure to enable High Quality mode. It is also good to disable Shadows and Ambient Occlusion because it will be a better preview of most web viewers, which do not show these features.

  • sodash
    Offline / Send Message
    sodash polycounter lvl 2

    It worked! Thank you so much for your help! As you said, the materila was not right. All the information you provided was useful in this case. Also thank you for tips for 3dsmax. That helped me alot. I might need your help in the future...! Thank you for your time and stay safe!

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