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Marmoset Image Render and Video Render difference in brightness


I have just started out with Marmoset Toolbag 4 and would like to do renders and a turntable video. Well the Viewport and Image render look the same but the Video render always comes out to dark.

I have the same settings in viewport, image and video... Samples, bounces ect. and I use the Raytracing option since I have a 30 series Nvidia GC. For video I don't use denoising as suggested by the video tutorial on the Marmoset YT channel:

Ray Tracing & Advanced Raster Rendering - Learn Toolbag 4, Ep. 5 - YouTube

I have tried CPU and GPU rendering, more samples and less, but nothing seems to make a difference in the outcome,,, the video is always darker.

Please also find attached the images to compare the outcomes.

Or do I need to make 2 different scenes for Image and Video renders?



  • EarthQuake

    Generally, image and video brightness should match, so this may be an issue with the application you are using to play the video content. There may be color correction applied at the application level.

    If you have a video editing application such as Adobe Premiere I would load a video and still image on two tracks and compare them directly to verify whether this is an issue with the rendered content or the video player.

    If using the compressed MPEG4 format, some difference in image quality may be apparent, as this format uses lossy compression. You could try the AVI Lossless format to verify if this is the cause for the difference.

  • k177z0n3

    Hello EarthQuake,

    Thanks very much for the reply.

    The way I actually realized the difference in brightness was that I rendered the video to send to my friends for feedback. After copying the video on my phone I saw how dark the video was but thought nothing of it, as my phone screen is darker in general.

    But the general feedback was the video is to dark details are lost... from about 5 people. Also I use Vanilla VLC so no changes there.

    I am asking myself if there are toning options in Marmoset that I am unaware of... Also Raytracing seems to have very little to no adjustment options... unlike Raster Renderer.

    Searching on google for "Marmoset toolbag 4 dark video render" and/or similar... nothing seems to come up so it seems like I am the only person with this problem...

    I am a bit baffled...

  • EarthQuake

    VLC may be doing something to the video out of the box. I would try another video player or ideally video editing software that will allow you to compare still and video renders A/B to remove the player from the equation.

    Post effects settings can be in the camera object. You can adjust exposure, contrast, saturation, tone mapping, and adjust curves for RGB or individual channels.

    In addition to trying AVI, you can export a sequence of PNGs or JPEGs as well, and composite them in a video editing application.

  • k177z0n3

    Hello EarthQuake,

    Thanks again for your the reply an d advice... much appreciated.

    I have tried some of your suggestions already and I will try the others too... I will keep you posted. The Image Sequence should work fine I believe... didn't think of that.


  • geliona_s

    I faced a similar problem in Marmoset 4, so maybe it will help someone.

    The light in the scene when playing the animation was much darker than in normal renders.
    I was able to correct the difference by changing the occlusion settings in Render properties, just lowering its values.

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