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polycounter lvl 12
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Cg_Creator polycounter lvl 12
I ll try to create something similar with your help using UE5.
Here s the reference image:

Here s where I am at:

A lot to do, I ll worry about the water and the sky and light after I have more done. Any comments or advice are always welcome.


  • Cg_Creator
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    Cg_Creator polycounter lvl 12
    Small update, I am struggling to find some trees to put on that island rock...

  • Cg_Creator
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    Cg_Creator polycounter lvl 12
    Also, for the background coasts... should I use some planes with images of islands, or should I find trees and assets and maybe make the coasts with landscape?
  • Cg_Creator
  • Joopson
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    Joopson quad damage
    Hey! Looks good.

    It would help us give feedback if we knew what you are doing for the scene and what you'd like feedback on. Are you modelling and texturing it all, or is it a scene you're building out of assets you've downloaded?
  • Cg_Creator
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    Cg_Creator polycounter lvl 12
    Joopson said:
    Hey! Looks good.

    It would help us give feedback if we knew what you are doing for the scene and what you'd like feedback on. Are you modelling and texturing it all, or is it a scene you're building out of assets you've downloaded?

    Thanks, I m building the scene with downloaded assets, but I m planning to model some as well, I thought a stairway and a deck for the main rock island could look cool... I ll get back on it soon when I have a bit more time.
  • Cg_Creator
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    Cg_Creator polycounter lvl 12

    Small update, trees are too small and not great, but I got some reflection on the water. But I really prefer the lighting from the first one without the reflection in the water :(... Anyway, I ll worry about it later on.
  • Cg_Creator
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    Cg_Creator polycounter lvl 12
    Not much of an update again, just added a few things with Photoshop to see what works... I m not sure if I should make a pontoon... and just made a quick proxy for the future stairs.
  • rexo12
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    rexo12 interpolator
    The pontoon is sort of uninteresting and splits the focus of the scene. If you were going to go with it, I would populate it with something - picnic set + umbrella? Potentially also shift it to be inline with the rock. You could even have people waving to each other from the rock.

    That said, My reading of the scene originally was that much of the water here should be shallow enough to stand in anyway.

    I think the reflections on the water look a lot nicer. Where do the stairs lead?
  • miss_golden
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    miss_golden polycounter lvl 3

    It's hard to give a feedback when there're so many unknowns! Feedback will be different depend on what are you trying to achieve. I think, it's good to start a project asking yourself a few questions.

    For example about the reference image. What makes this image so special? Do I want to create a 100% copy of it or there're only some elements from this image I would like to include in my project?

    It will make the creating process a lot easier :smile:

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