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Stylized Texturing (Painter, Mari, or 3D Coat) ?

polycounter lvl 3
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3D4Eva polycounter lvl 3
I'm looking at getting into some stylized work and I'm trying to use something other than Painter for it. When using Painter this effect is usually achieved through Designer with custom made materials and filters. Hand painting in Painter isn't great due to how the brushes work. You cannot layer properly like in Photoshop as you need to make separate strokes which sucks :( . This is why I think you see a lot of Filters/Fills workflows in Painter.

I haven't used Mari yet, but someone recommended to use 3D Coat for stylized assets as brushes work much better for manual painting.

Any input on this?


  • oglu
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    oglu polycount lvl 666
    I would use Mudbox or 3DCoat for handpainted Textures.
  • PolyHertz
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    PolyHertz polycount lvl 666
    3D-Coat is overall the most popular app for hand painted textures these days in Western countries, while in Asian countries (or at least China) Bodypaint3D is the most common. Some people also use Blenders paint tools, but they're very limited compared to those in dedicated painting apps.
  • thomasp
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    I use Mudbox for everything paint related. Guided strokes, stencils and all that, a Photoshop-like layer stack and a direct connection to PS, all wrapped in a simple interface. 3D Coat looks more full featured for sure though.

    Wasn't aware that Bodypaint is still around. Don't tell me Deep Paint 3D is also still making the rounds somewhere. ;)

  • 3D4Eva
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    3D4Eva polycounter lvl 3
    Thank you for the replies! I didn't even know mudbox had painting tools! I used it wayyyy back prior to zBrush.

    I'll check out 3D Coat and Mudbox! Thanks for the suggestions.
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