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3dsmax diffuse map on hair card looks so pixeli, low quality

polycounter lvl 2
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Klinschi polycounter lvl 2
Hey guys,

have a problem with the diffuse hair map on a plane.

I made hair, saved the hair as .png . Made an alpha , saved as png too.

Go to 3dsmax 2021. Open the Map Editor.

Diffuse = Hair with colour
opacity = Alphahair

So on the viewport, its looks SOOOOOO bad. (above) Even when i render, it looks the same.

Even when i set the texture to 4k (Dont know which number there would be better)

So somebody have the same problem? Or what do i do wrong?

Lovely greetings



  • thomasp
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    thomasp hero character
    That hair texture will probably not look right anywhere - it's far too noisy and the very fine strands you got there create kind of a semi-translucent look even in your texture flats. To improve the display it might help to add the alpha channel a couple times over itself (PS 'screen' layer blend) and try again. I bet it will look a ton clearer in that viewport you're using.

    But really, if you want to play with hair cards, start with quickly sketching them and try shapes till you find ones that work and what the strand thickness and general coverage should be. Vector graphics drawing is handy for this. Or try one those available hair texture generators that are regularly advertised in this very forum.
    Then you can look into how to recreate these with a hair system and bake onto textures of your own.

  • Noren
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    Noren polycounter lvl 19
    Additionally, don't have a grey background in your diffuse unless that's and alpha and in that case you could also use one single png to get both diffuse and alpha with an automatic diffuse padding for free. Also your alpha seems rather grey, almost as if it has AO on it and seems to show more of the background than your diffuse. Might simply be due to the alpha having AA and the diffuse has none or some padding (in which case you probably even want more padding on the diffuse and like thomasp said, thicker/more clumped hair in general).

    But overall, this should still look better, might be a gamma problem, so try switching that off in the preferences for a test.
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