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1 Year Art Schools for 3D Modeling / Environment Design

I have a lot of experience with Blender and recently have been learning Maya in order to get into the film industry. 
I know about VFS 1 year animation program but I was wondering if anyone here had any recommendations on 1 year programs where basically I can
1) Refine my 3D modeling skills
2) Get professional feedback and instruction
3) Network in the industry

Ive heard about VFS's (Vancouvers) 1 year animation program. Do you have any other recommendations?

Thank you.


  • InvaderRoxas
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    InvaderRoxas polycounter lvl 4
    While I haven't personally taken any classes there, I've heard great things & seen some great work come out of the classes at CGMA. Helps too that it's virtual, and you can really get into the nitty gritty of what you want to focus on (rather than colleges which do have the caveat of making you take some foundation/liberal arts courses which aren't always fantastic). Either way you end up going, I think even just one class from there sometime in your future would be beneficial! Hoping to take one myself once I graduate to keep the grind going. 
  • FrenchToast
    Nice! I am thinking I might just take a year and do online courses or actually go to an art program like VFS. I think with in person programs theres more of an ability to network and have a community while otherwise I would just be by myself doing online courses. They do seem pretty helpful.
  • FrenchToast
    Basically I am looking for a program that is 1 year, Has a computer lab, has students to cultivate a community with, and also allows me learn topics that are relevant to my goals and does not force to take classes are that irrelevant.
  • Taylor Brown
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    Taylor Brown ngon master
    You have classes with other students through CGMA, ranging from 10-30 from what I have seen. There's a discord server set up with private channels per classso you can chat, share progress, troubleshoot. You also are able to view every other students feedback videos so theres a lot to pick up from other peoples projects. It also perfectly fits your desire to have a modular learning plan.. you build your own path. I have been both on the attendee and teaching side of CGMA.. love it!
  • InvaderRoxas
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    InvaderRoxas polycounter lvl 4
    Hopefully someone can prove me wrong, but if you want an in-person school that meets all of those demands, that's going to be a bit tricky. I've seen 2-year programs before, but never any that actually went into anything in-depth. They load a bunch of general-ed courses on you before they get even close to that to boot, at least in my area. I'd focus less on the 1-year aspect, and more on the quality of the education itself, if that makes sense? Often times the quickest way to get from point A to B isn't the one that will teach you the most content, w/ the best quality. 

    As far as community goes, I whole-heartedly recommend Discord servers! You can really meet some awesome folks, and create a sense of community around that.
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