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Are there similar tools in 3DS Max like in Blender?

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Ravanex node
Hello Polycount!

I'm modelling Eivor's axe from AC Valhalla and I saw a video where a guy is making that axe in Blender. He is using a few tools which really makes thing easier but I'm using 3DS Max and I have no idea if there are tools that does the same things.

Here's the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=li-BS7lq6Mg

I'm talking about that deformation around 0:50, it makes a nice curve but if I do the same in Max it only moves the polygons right next to my selection.

Also from 8:05 I have absolutely no idea how to make that in Max, he is making a pattern on a single polygon then it appears on the whole handle.

So I'd be really grateful if someone could explain me those things. I'm still a beginner but I've always thought that Blender has way more useful tools than Max. Is this true or I've just completly missed half the tools in max? :D Most of the time I'm modelling polygon by polygon and while I know it's not the proper way and it's a really slow method I don't know any other ones. 

Like in the beginning of the video he makes the basic topology so fast, he is using the Line and Cut tools?


  • PolyHertz
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    PolyHertz polycount lvl 666
    For 0:50 it looks like a standard falloff brush or soft selection.
    Soft Selection has its own panel in the Editable Poly menu. Alternatively if you want to use a deformation brush go into the Ribbon (aka Graphite modeling tools) > Freeform > Shift.

    For 8:05 just looks like basic edge transforms, extrude, and bend. Extrude can be done in Max by holding Shift while dragging on an edge, and bend is done through the "Bend" modifier.

    And yea at the beginning he's just using Cur/Knife, Slice, and probably 'create poly' or the F2 addon to make new faces (check my gumroad link below if you'd like a version of that addon for Max).
  • Ravanex
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    Ravanex node
    @PolyHertz Thanks, soft selection does exactly the same! The Freeform brushes are a bit weird though. Are they supposed to be some kind of sculpting tools?

    Actually I have problems with creating that pattern on the handle not the basic shape of the handle. Around 8:25 he is making that pattern on a single polygon next to the model. He is modifying that single polygon then the pattern appears on the whole handle and it's changing as he is changing that single polygon next to the model. He is doing it it until 9:00

    Your F2 addon seems awesome I'll definetly try it sometime! 
  • PolyHertz
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    PolyHertz polycount lvl 666
    He's just instancing that area of the handle. To do that in Max shift+drag at the object level and then a popup window will appear where you can tell it to "Copy", "Instance", or "Reference" the model (you want to Instance it).
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