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(W.I.P) The Study Area....Environment feedback and tips needed...thanks

polycounter lvl 4
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DOPPELG8NGER polycounter lvl 4
The Whisperer in Darkness - the Study  concept by Cmy Cai


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    DOPPELG8NGER polycounter lvl 4
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    DOPPELG8NGER polycounter lvl 4
  • DarkBladeNemo
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    DarkBladeNemo polycounter lvl 2
    That's not a bad start.

    I do feel however that you have a lot of wasted space, all I see when I look at it is the floor and it kind of drowns out everything else.Those couches also looks like they are too close to the floor, it's that or that chair in the back is too big. The cloth also looks a little on the stiff side.

    Other than that I am also noticing a lot of texture repetition on for example the clock and those bookcases. I assume they are using the same material and those dark lines really stand out. You could try playing around with the lighting to get some more atmosphere and mood in the scene. The shadows also seems off and makes some of the pieces seem disconnected from the scene.
  • JamesBrisnehan
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    JamesBrisnehan sublime tool
    The lighting could use a lot of work if you are trying to get something similar to your reference. A first step would be to make sure the ceiling is casting shadows properly. The only light should be coming from the windows and lamps. If you don't already have a sky light to compliment your directional light, you'll need one. From there it should be just a matter of adjusting the sky and directional light's intensity and indirect lighting intensity (AKA: bounce light strength) until you get nice light gradients from the windows to the back of the room. Also your reference has a much cooler (blue/cyan) light color that has a huge impact on the mood.
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    DOPPELG8NGER polycounter lvl 4
    hi guys thank you for the feebacks and sorry for such a late reply. I just wanted to show something. this is my very first time creating environment and am learning unreal engine so it taking time. so i have setup some light and fog in the scene before it was looking really bad so i wanted to focus on my lighting and i was playing with floor texture also before it was looking very plain so i added some roughness with normal maps . let me know how i am going. still i am not sure whta to put in middle it looking very empty.
  • JamesBrisnehan
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    JamesBrisnehan sublime tool
    Instead of filling the room with more stuff you could try making the room smaller. The size of the room in the concept looks roughly 1/4th the size of your room. If all of the sofas, coffee tables, and book cases are closer together it would feel a lot more cozy. Or if you prefer the bigger room, that's cool too.
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