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Corrupted maya file?

polycounter lvl 2
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victorth polycounter lvl 2
So I've been attempting to open a .ma file on maya, but it stops at 91% when reading the file and just doesn't open. I think last time I had it open my computer crashed, and I'm wondering if it's been corrupted. I'm linking a download to the file to see if anyone else can open it. Maybe its the maya on my computer?(maya 2018 btw)
Here's a link to the file https://drive.google.com/file/d/1iiLWhBCzPFkmm45lvPfcz5ACWOtpzQnR/view?usp=sharing
And if it can't be opened, is there any way of salvaging the file?


  • throttlekitty
    Hi, i took a look at this yesterday and got sidetracked. So your scene is corrupt at the end of the file, no way around that. The best we can do here is edit the file in notepad++ or a similar text editor, and trim off the whole block of script leading up to the corruption. In this case it's a setAttr setting uvs on some mesh. I did some manual work to reattach materials and get back to the correct shape nodes, but most of your lowpoly work is dead, the lowpoly_body is where the corruption started.

  • victorth
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    victorth polycounter lvl 2
    Hi, i took a look at this yesterday and got sidetracked. So your scene is corrupt at the end of the file, no way around that. The best we can do here is edit the file in notepad++ or a similar text editor, and trim off the whole block of script leading up to the corruption. In this case it's a setAttr setting uvs on some mesh. I did some manual work to reattach materials and get back to the correct shape nodes, but most of your lowpoly work is dead, the lowpoly_body is where the corruption started.

    Hi, thank you for your help! I had someone look at the script and they told my the same thing. Although I did just remember I exported most of the lowpoly models to make the normal maps, so I've not lost too much, just some rigging work. Once again, thanks!
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