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Texel Density (multiple texture sets)

polycounter lvl 2
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mantaskava polycounter lvl 2

So I'm trying to wrap my head around calculating texel density for a model which has multiple (4) texture sets.
I'm using this script that is supposed to help calculating it:

Now I type in what resolution texture(s) will be used (4096) and click calculate (with model selected) and it shows me these numbers.
And now the questions are:
1. Geometry/Pixels window is actually texel density, correct?
2. I feel like results might be flawed because I'm using multiple 4K texture sets and there's no way of telling the script I'm actually using 4x 4K texture sets (which SHOULD, I think, drastically change the results/texel density).

Or I am missing something here and there's totally no difference how many texture sets (and of what resolution, ofcourse) were used to calculate texel density?

Thank You.


  • Eric Chadwick
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    Which software? Is there a help file for the script?
  • mantaskava
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    mantaskava polycounter lvl 2
    It's called Advanced UV Normalizer. And here's a screenshot from the help file:

    Which didn't help me understand this topic that much more.
    So my questions still apply:
    1. Which exact number shows/tells the texel density
    2. Does this method of calculating texel density work if only 1 texture set is used? Or the amount of texture sets is totally irrelevant (which doesn't sound right to me) ?
  • rollin
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    rollin polycounter
    A texel is a pixel in 3d-space. So the only thing relevant is the size of the pixel in uv-space of the model and the size of the model in 3d-space.
    The amount of textures is irrelevant as long as you don't want to calculate something else. When this is clear and you can calculate it by hand you can use a calculator to save time - or you use a simple object (e.g. cube) with dummy-texture as reference for your intended texel density. 
    E.g. a 1m cube with a 1024er texture per side. Just as example
  • oglu
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    oglu polycount lvl 666
    Just do it oldschool.
    Create a ref plane with 1cm in the scene and compare it to your texture checker.
  • poopipe
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    poopipe grand marshal polycounter
    Rollin is correct. 

    It doesn't matter how many texture sets you're going to need as long as they're all the same size. 

    Fwiw.  That tool is probably the least friendly texel density thing I've ever seen - I'm fairly sure it's the one that prompted me to write my own a few years ago. 

    I've attached it here. 
    Be aware that it'll scale all selected UVs together (doesn't break your layout) so you'll want to normalise their scales first (use rescale UVs in the UV editor menu)

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