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Is there a comprehensive resource to render any material in 2d programs?

polycounter lvl 4
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PatrickGibson polycounter lvl 4
Hey everybody, 

My next mission to get my 2d skills right is to learn how to render anything in 2d properly.  I have scoured the internet and there's scattered resources for this topic. I am looking for someone or something that can help me achieve this goal.  The best resource I have found is one of schoolism's tutorials, and there are scattered youtube videos that deal with the different materials.  If anyone wants to school me on how to tackle this topic I would be willing to pay, if you want to be generous and help me for free that would be awesome, but I am wanting to learn the right way and a human interaction is ideal.  If anyone's interested DM me dont be shy.  

And correct me if I'm wrong but if you can render well in 2d, going into 3d will be easier with a proper understanding of light and color.


  • Alex_J
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    Alex_J grand marshal polycounter
    You learn to render just by putting in the time. It's just work. You got to put in the work.  Don't waste time searching for the perfect tutorial or the perfect teacher. YOu are the master and time is your teacher. 

    Your brain will do you just fine. You will learn if you do the work. Just got to put the hours in. Take the skull in your profile. Start it over, focus on proportions, focus on art fundamentals like you hear from every art teacher out there. Put fifty hours into it. It will look great.
  • PatrickGibson
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    PatrickGibson polycounter lvl 4
    You're right, but I do feel like the art educational community could be more connected.  It seems like every man for his/herself
  • Alex_J
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    Alex_J grand marshal polycounter
    It's not once you finished some work and people know you're serious about what you do. You don't have to be the best. You've got to finish work. It is true that people are selfish and won't care about you until they think you have something to offer. But that's nature. You got to show the team that you bring something to the table. Only person who is going to love you for you is mother. And you should love yourself. Everybody else, you got to make them believe the team can't make it without you.
  • PatrickGibson
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    PatrickGibson polycounter lvl 4
  • PatrickGibson
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    PatrickGibson polycounter lvl 4
    My wish is it would be more communal but its not so I gotta deal with it. 
  • PatrickGibson
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    PatrickGibson polycounter lvl 4
    Like games are easier to get that social aspect cuz you can jump on and even if you suck you're still interacting and growing....but no one seems to want to jump into a video chat and do art together....
  • Alex_J
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    Alex_J grand marshal polycounter
    unless you live in the sticks like me I am sure you can find some local art classes.
  • PatrickGibson
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    PatrickGibson polycounter lvl 4
    I'm moving to Madrid, Spain for a while so imma look there.  There's a really good fine artist that I can learn from and I checked art station and there's a ton of good artists there.....and theres a facebook group with artists who some do digital art and there's 450 members so I'll probably find what I'm looking for there.  
  • Alex_J
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    Alex_J grand marshal polycounter
    doing art is an intrinsically lonesome thing though. If you got no other social outlet it's probably not healthy way to spend all your time.
  • PatrickGibson
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    PatrickGibson polycounter lvl 4
    I feel like art should be with others....the masters always had a mentor guiding them...imma be honest, this lone wolf shit isnt fun for me...so i feel like i need to team up with others...idk if zodiac signs are real but imma libra and it says i do better with others and i feel like thats true for me
  • Alex_J
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    Alex_J grand marshal polycounter
    everybody does better with others. is human nature. don't need horoscope to tell you that. 

    There is all kinds of big highly active discords. have you tried them? Still, probably the best thing is actual real life humans. Like you'd meet at local community college, or some art classes. Probably some game dev clubs too. 

    If you have a problem, you have to help yourself. You can pay a therapist a lot of money. All they gonna do is talk you into helping yourself. 
    Just get serious, make your mission to get out the house and meet people -- whether it's art or some sport or a swingers club -- whatever -- and solve the problem once and for all. I don't think the internet is the place to find meaningful relationships. Time is ticking so don't waste it.

    you know, unless you have some physical impairment, a great thing to do is martial arts. Go find a jiu jitsu gym, or boxing club. You'll have great camaraderie with the people there, and most importantly when you do combat sports you learn to take a risk and be bold. It's invaluable skill. Too many people don't learn it because our lives are too soft and boring. So forever they stuck feeling like they want to do something but don't do it. It's really important to challenge yourself. Only way to grow
  • PatrickGibson
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    PatrickGibson polycounter lvl 4
    Ok....im going the first of january so we'll see what happens, i plan on capitalizing and making this happen...you kinda get that combat vibe with shooter games but its not as impactful
  • Alex_J
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    Alex_J grand marshal polycounter
    If you don't do something first thing tomorrow, you are going to be back here with the same issues a month from now. 
  • PatrickGibson
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    PatrickGibson polycounter lvl 4
    ok....i know i can progress if i just work, its just shitty to do it alone
  • Alex_J
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    Alex_J grand marshal polycounter
    Whatever way the wind blows you got to learn how to sail it. Probably just getting out the house on more regular basis and meeting people, even if it has nothing to do with art, would be enough to balance things out. 

  • PatrickGibson
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    PatrickGibson polycounter lvl 4
    I've got some people now that I've reached out that'll interact with learning 2d stuff.  Thanks Alex!
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