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Requesting critiques of my Ak 47 Model

polycounter lvl 4
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Staddy polycounter lvl 4
Hello there! 
This is my very first model I did in Maya on my own, after being halfway through a tutorial. The model is kinda wonky at parts and the proportions arent really accurate (the middle compartment is a bit too long and the mag should be closer to the trigger) but all in all I'm pretty satisfied with the result. I think it might still need a bit of detailing but I think the main stuff is done. What are your thoughts? any advice?


  • Anura_Interceptor
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    Anura_Interceptor polycounter lvl 5
    My advice is to use reference pictures in the background of your scene as much as possible for your future projects, trace over them if you can find pictures with a good perspective. The minds eye is notoriously inaccurate and has a tendency to make proportions like this if you try to create from memory. If you can use Maya without stumbling over hotkeys and UI constantly then I wouldn't bother to continue this project. You should learn about topology next and move on to a project using subdivision. 
  • Staddy
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    Staddy polycounter lvl 4
    Hi thanks for the feedback! So you're saying the proportions and the topology are bad? I think the topology thing is due to come up in my tutorial series so I hope to understand it better afterwards. 
    Thanks again! 
  • tynew
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    tynew polycounter lvl 9
    Hey, it's not too bad for a first model. I remember mine being a dog kennel in wings3D. 
    To get better at 3D modeling as a beginner there are probably 3 things that you need to follow.

    1. Start simple, and keep going simple for a while (weeks even). You need to learn the fundamental skills first, and getting to know Maya. Guns are too complex. You need to do simple objects, eg. crates, barrels, objects on your desk etc. 

    2. Anura is correct. Before you start modeling ANYTHING, you need to save a folder with lots of pictures of what you want to model. Different angles, and make sure they are high resolution so you can zoom in. Look at the pictures while you model, because using your imagination to make objects is REALLY bad until you are a professional. Most common beginner mistake. 

    3. Keep looking for tutorials to follow that follow point 1. Simple objects. Beginners learn best from listening to more experienced people and applying what they have taught to other things. 

    Also usually for real guns, you put a side profile picture of the gun in Maya so you can trace over it with objects. To get the basic proportions properly. You grip and magazine proportions are off, and would easily be fixed if you had a reference image to trace. 

  • Staddy
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    Staddy polycounter lvl 4
    Hi tynew! 
    Thanks for your feedack! 
    Yeah, I figured that I probably should use a blueprint image, but the instructor on udemy hasnt used one for the ghostbusters trap he uses to teach hard surface modeling (my attempt on it below!) so I kinda thought I could wing it like that. But obviously youre right. I should probably focus on more simple things for now! Thanks again for your reply. 

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