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Retoping for mobile


I don't know if this is the right forum for this question, but there is probably no specific forum for my problem. Its like this: I am just retoping a mobile game avatar I have made with Sculptris.  You know, the Unity Documentary recommends for a mobile game avatar something between 300 to 1500 polys per mesh, and I would like to have something between 400-450 together with the hair for my avatar. But have the problem that I like to lose myself in detail and I'm never sure how much detail will be needed to get a good normal map even after I saw some videos about retoping and baking normals.
I did a another retopo for the same model before, but when I baked a normal map and tested it in Photoshop it looked similar to a ball.
I didn't find much info about this question in the net, so I am asking here. Here are two images of my avatar and the retopo  from the front and from left side (the hair is hidden). I think that the amount of detail was okay before came to the ears It would be nice if you could give me any advices.

thanks very much
yours RLe


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