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[WIP] Old Japanese Temple

polycounter lvl 4
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OscarEsteban5 polycounter lvl 4

I make this topic to post the progress of my new project, an old japanese temple inspired by the artist Mikita Kavalenka.

I will be very grateful if you make critiques about the model, they are so useful for me.

Thank you guys and I hope you like the project.


  • OscarEsteban5
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    OscarEsteban5 polycounter lvl 4
    I thought this post was properly uploaded, and I forgot to check it, so now I want to add the screenshots of the process.

    The final model has 189752 tris. I think this poly count is a little bit high because of the roof tiles, but in a videogame, they could be deleted in a second level of detail. Furthermore, the textures are 2048 x 2048.

    Hope you like it! 

    PD: Feedback and critiques are very welcome.

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