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How to get rid of "cancer" face in a model?

polycounter lvl 3
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korner_kick polycounter lvl 3

Occasionally when I do modeling, this one trouble "cancer-like" face will suddenly show up and ruined everything, if I delete that one particular face, it will appear in another one, until I delete the whole model. I'd like to what caused this to happen and is there a way to fix it for good?

Thank you!


  • Alex_J
    Offline / Send Message
    Alex_J grand marshal polycounter
    The way to get rid of cancer is by removing the bad cells.

    I can't say what is causing this bizarre behavior, but it does look like you are modeling with smooth mesh preview enabled. Typically you don't want to model with that turned on, only use it to preview.

    One quick check you can do to make sure you don't have duplicate faces is select all faces (by double clicking any face on the mesh shell) and delete. Anything left? Just undo afterwards. Shift+drag select to invert a selection to easily target any duplicated faces.

    You can also do mesh clean up. Set it to "select faces", not cleanup faces, and after it runs hit ctrl+1. This isolates the selected problem areas.

    This is most likely a problem that just arises from an abnormal workflow/not fully understanding how all the tools work yet.

    Stay motivated!
  • korner_kick
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    korner_kick polycounter lvl 3
    Thanks Alex! Yeah this bad cell only occurred when I smooth preview mesh, and when I check cleanup mesh, that cell is completely normal (4-sides, no any lamina face and no nonmanifold geometry). That's why I just undo workflow and now it's not there. However, the unknown cause of its appearance sometimes still weird me out 
  • m4dcow
    Offline / Send Message
    m4dcow interpolator
    I have had this occur to me due to GPU driver issues, and it wouldn't really be fixed until I restarted Maya.
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