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General Direction

Hello everyone, my name is Jeremy. This is my first post to the group. 
I just wanted to ask some of you that work in the industry for some general direction. 
I have knocked out most of my first year in school for animation. So far my favorite things are drawing and 3D Modeling. I am pretty decent working with Maya and Photoshop and those are my 2 favorite programs. 
I am also a very organized person and somewhat OCD so UI/UX design is also very appealing to me. 
My ultimate goal is to be able to make good money and work a relatively stable job/schedule 
(I know if I go the video game route the stability is unlikely). 
I know it’s a pretty general post but some of you professionals feel free to give a noob some general advice haha. 
Thanks in advance,


  • lefix
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    lefix polycounter lvl 11
    As a 3D Artist turned UI/UX Artist, I can say that there are a better career opportunities for UI/UX guys. You will have a bigger impact on the games you work on, but also often have to solve some near impossible problems and get frustrated often. But I don't regret the switch, even though I still do some 3D Art as a hobby and try to stay up to date with the latest tech.
  • TheGabmeister
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    TheGabmeister interpolator
    Germs37 said:
    My ultimate goal is to be able to make good money and work a relatively stable job/schedule 
    (I know if I go the video game route the stability is unlikely).
    I think you should take some time to meditate and to discover what keeps your fire burning. We all know that that money is important, but it generally isn't the primary source of our motivation, especially for artists. If you look at most influential people today, they consider money as a tool to fulfill a goal, but not the goal itself. It is a vehicle, but not a destination.

    As a student, you still have a lot of time. Go explore everything you can and learn what are the things about 3D that you enjoy most. Eventually, you'll reach a point where you tell yourself "Yup, this is it. This is what I'll be doing for the rest of my life."
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