Expanding my Portfolio by creating some realistic looking assets. I'm really loving some of the old 1950's house hold appliances at the moment, so thought I'd create a handful, possibly incorporating more modern materials to them to to stray away from the old plastic look that a lot of stuff had back then.
Starting off by modelling an old Panasonic TV!

Feedback is always appreciated.
Also tried out an orange variation, but I think I'm sold on the blue.
Also made a small adjustment to the vents, straightening them up
Pretty happy with the chair and table so far, nothing too complicated at the moment.
Adding in a wall and floor material, as well as lighting, I created a quite sterile looking scene which wasn't the overall aim I was going for as I wanted a more homely vibe.
To change this I went ahead and added in some warmer colours, changing the floor material to wooden planks and added in some warmth to the lights.
I do want to address how clean the scene looks by adding some grime to the assets, as it is very clean at the moment.
Still got a lot of assets to make to fill out the scene, so that's the next thing on my to do list!
Also added some grime onto the assets