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Why do I have such ugly seams!! For some reason triplaner isn't helping me and my deadline in 2 week

polycounter lvl 5
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Wankenstien polycounter lvl 5
Hey yall peeps, this is probably my first post so sorry if my etiquette is lacking, basically I've been working on a fish man model for my last year of college, I made the high poly Using ZBrush, did retopolgy in Maya, textured in Substance and now I will be moving back to Maya to render, the only problem is I've got some quite ugly seams which I cant seem to get rid of! They really bring down the quality of my model and I would hugely appreciate some help! 

Heres my baby
The above image is substance and the below image is Maya, why do the edges appear hard? and why does it look offset? I'm pretty new to the whole 3D thing so please forgive me if I've made some noob mistakes but any and all help would be appreciated at this point. Also for some reason triplaner projection doesn't seem to be working :s these seems are also present around my model in other place. D: xx


  • Wankenstien
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    Wankenstien polycounter lvl 5
    Just to test and make sure the file wasn't the one to blame I conducted a quick test but found...........

    ......... the same results! dun dun daaan
  • wirrexx
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    wirrexx quad damage
    so how close do you come to the char? is the seam visible in engine? try those things out mate, IF you'd zoom out, the seam will be practically invisible. Don't hang yourself up on these small issues. It will hinder you more then help you. 

  • poopipe
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    poopipe grand marshal polycounter
    they're using different tangent space for the normal rendering.

     rebake your base normal in maya and replace the one you baked in Painter with that before re-exporting your final maps.
    The resultant  normal map should then be correct 

  • Wankenstien
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    Wankenstien polycounter lvl 5
    wirrexx said:
    so how close do you come to the char? is the seam visible in engine? try those things out mate, IF you'd zoom out, the seam will be practically invisible. Don't hang yourself up on these small issues. It will hinder you more then help you. 

    Ummm well ill be rendering some beauty shots which will requite closer views, I could use lighting to hide the seams a bit tho, also I am only a college student so im sure some mistakes are ok, I just have a terrible habit of wanting everying to be perfect haha  x
  • Wankenstien
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    Wankenstien polycounter lvl 5
    Ill try re baking in Maya and let you guys know how it goes, ty for replies! 
  • Kanni3d
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    Kanni3d ngon master
    Yeah, thats the least jarring seam you'll come across. It's super minor, and is not a texture seam, but just more of a wrongly synced normal seam. Notice how it's fine in SP but not in another viewport, such as Maya? That should be the giveaway that they're calculating/viewing the normals in two different methods. :)

  • musashidan
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    musashidan high dynamic range
    Aside from the obsolete Maya tangent basis mismatch(which is unavoidable), tri-planar isn't a magic bandaid for seams. It isn't suitable in all cases and particularly with very specific tiling patterns.

    Pressing C to cycle through the channels you can isolate where the seam is and add a layer at the top of your stack, set to passthrough, and paint it out with clone stamp.

    For your Maya beauty renders, don't waste anymore time on it. Render it out and fix it in post.
  • gnoop
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    gnoop sublime tool
    I wouldn't even care about that seam on the  nape with the deadline coming.  Bet nobody would ever notice it in actual game especially on quickly moving characters.     
       Not on anything until it's something ugly across the whole screen.
       I would rather spent some time trying to make that tiled skin a bit more natural looking maybe and also add a kind of sence of  true anatomy/skeleton beneath that skin  in fingers or wrists for example, even for cartoony style
  • musashidan
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    musashidan high dynamic range
    gnoop said:
    I wouldn't even care about that seam on the  nape with the deadline coming.  Bet nobody would ever notice it in actual game especially on quickly moving characters.     

    The seam won't be visible in-engine as it will be synced. It's only there because of Maya's tangent basis.
  • poopipe
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    poopipe grand marshal polycounter
    The OP is rendering in  maya iirc. 
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