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Ear Study

polycounter lvl 13
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Dragonofpeace1985 polycounter lvl 13
Hello Polycount,

I haven't been on here for yrs!   
Now I'm back and rusty (or wasn't good to begin with) so I'm ready to get better.  I've been listening to Flipped Normal on Youtube and they emphasized the importance of your foundation over just learning softwares.  That really stayed with me and now I'm taking on this journey of pursing excellence by starting with basics.  I've been doing 20 poses of 2 mins a day of gesture drawings.   I was thinking about doing some classes on Schoolism.  Please, I encourage critiques.  


  • carvuliero
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    carvuliero hero character
    Let me know if that make any sense
  • bkost
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    bkost interpolator
    Hey Dragon, what are your specific goals? You want to start with the learning the 'basics' and you mention your daily gesture studies. I recommend writing down a handful of short term goals as well. 

    Going off of what you said and your ear sculpt, I assume you want to pursue anatomy fundamentals. With that said, pick up the online .pdf Anatomy for Sculptors and save that. Also grab PureRef, a program that acts as a photo ref repository. 

    I suggest focusing on building models with primitive forms only and don't be so quick to dive into secondary details. Here's a good ref for building ear geo

  • Dragonofpeace1985
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    Dragonofpeace1985 polycounter lvl 13
    Thank you both for the critique, just to let you guys, I didn't run away.  At the moment, I can't afford the book yet but it does look amazing, especially the facial one they have also.I know I have a long way to go but I'm enjoying the journey.  
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