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Zbrush weird polypaint results

Hello, I am new to zbrush and sculpted one subtool and after that I started to paint it. Everything is ok, but when I went to texture map and I created a "New from Polypaint", the texture created is half of the one I made. The subtool is a model of a Duck, and the texture result is half of the texture of the ducks body. The subtool is a large one (more then 8 million polys), but when I used decimation master and had it much more smaller the results were not so good. Can you guys help me? Thanks a lot. I attached to the messages the images.


  • Alex_J
    Offline / Send Message
    Alex_J grand marshal polycounter
    whats the story with your UV's? I can't see clearly in the picture.

    Decimation master will destroy UV's and polypaint unless you tell it not to. But if polypaint to texture is giving a weird result it's most likely that your UV's aren't right.

    Nice duck by the way.
  • cryrid
    Offline / Send Message
    cryrid interpolator
    If you're baking the polypaint in zbrush, the general rule is that you don't want UV coordinates to extend beyond or even touch the very edges of the 0:1 texture space. This causes all sorts of problems in zbrush as it will try to wrap it to the other side. Also no stacked UVs. 
  • leal3dmodeling
    Hello BIGTIMEMASTER, thanks a lot for your time, answer and compliment. The story with UV"s is that: I started making the model by using DynaMesh Sphere, so I build the duck and after that I started the polypaint. After fininshing the painting I saved the tool and then I decided to export my texture map....at this time I realized I didn't have UV's in my mesh because I didn't have the Delete UV and Morph Uv buttons allowed for me to press. So I created UVs (UV Map/Create/Uvs)...maybe this is the mistake I made? Is there a way to solve it, because I have the original tool saved (the one without UV's creation)...Thanks a lot
  • leal3dmodeling
    Thanks a lot for the answer cryrid, I think, as I wrote do BIGTIMEMASTER, I made a mistake creating UVs for the tool. Hope I can save the tool and have its texture map. As a beginner I am still learning and this texture map issue is a little bit complex to me.
  • Alex_J
    Offline / Send Message
    Alex_J grand marshal polycounter
    well, there is a number of ways you could fix this. i'm not sure exactly what might be best as i don't have all the details but here is a pretty straightforad way  :

    1. duplicate model
    2. zremesher new model to a pretty low polycount
    3. unwrap new model
    4. subdivide new model and then use project all to project details from the old one back onto it (read documentation to do this correctly)
    5. convert polypaint to textures, but be sure your UV's conform to the issues cyrid mentions. May be easier to do this in a standard 3d app if you need to edit them directly.

  • leal3dmodeling
    Thanks a lot BIGTIMEMASTER  I will follow your sugestions and post back the results. My best.
  • leal3dmodeling
    Hi BIGTIMEMASTER I am back to thank you so much for your time and help. It worked out! I am sending the image of the subtool itself which has 439210 Polys (used to be 8514120) and I have all the details preserved thanks to the advices you gave me! The texture is great and I learned a lot! Thank you and thanks to cyrid for the considerations too! My best Always!
  • Alex_J
    Offline / Send Message
    Alex_J grand marshal polycounter
    awesome. thanks for following up. glad it worked out.

    2d texture version of the duck is insanely cute, by the way. i wanna fuzzle it's little head.
  • leal3dmodeling

    laughing...thanks a lot! I think this duck is really cute too! A big hug and once again thank you very much!
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