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Barbed Wire Cricket Bat [FINAL RENDER]

polycounter lvl 3
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PFYatos polycounter lvl 3
Hey polycounters !
It's my very first post here as I recently finished my bloody barbed wire cricket bat as a weapon for a future game project. 
I wanted to try out to create a weapon with post-apo inspiration but by sticking with a realistic look ! And since I'm pretty happy about how it turned out, I think I should receive some critics to push me even further ! :)

Here is one of the screenshots, so please share all the thoughts you could have !

Plus I would really appreciate if you could check out the Artstation Post there is more high-res screenshots and a marmoset viewer ! 

Thank's in advance everyone ! 


  • CrackRockSteady
    This looks pretty good man :)  Overall nice execution, I like how the wood looks.

    A couple crits:  The wrapping on the handle looks a bit blobby and it's tough to tell exactly what it's supposed to be.

    the barbed wire itself looks great but the way it intersects with the bat looks strange, it sort of just clips through the wood on the bat in a way that doesn't look realistic.  Think about how this would need to be constructed in real life.  In order for the wire to be attached to the bat realistically I think there are a few options.  1.  drill some holes through the wood large enough that the barbed wire could feasibly be pulled through the holes.  2.  simply wrap the barbed wire all the way around the bat.  3.  Rather than have the barbed wire go through or around the bat, just have short strips fastened to each side with some fence staples: Image result for fence staple
  • Carabiner
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    Carabiner greentooth
    This is really nice work! A few pieces of criticism: your renders are a touch dark, and could use a more defined light source to really show off your texture work. The materials in general are quite nice, but the wrapped fabric grip stands out to me - the wrinkles feel pretty random. It could use more love to bring it up to the same level as the rest of the prop.
  • PFYatos
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    PFYatos polycounter lvl 3
    @Carabiner Thank you so much ! :smile:
    Yes you are right I used very soft light on my Marmoset scene I was pretty happy with the overall look and mood of the renders so I decided to stick with it but since you pointed this out I'll definitely insist more on the lightning inside Marmoset for my future renders ! 
    Maybe if I'm tweaking a bit more with the child lights it'll do the job. 

    Yeah seem's like the fabric disturb both of you guy's so I really gotta check on this one ! 

    Thanks for taking the time to give your feedback Carabiner, really appreciate it ! 

  • PFYatos
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    PFYatos polycounter lvl 3
    @CrackRockSteadyThanks a lot ! :) 

    Yeah I absolutely see what bothers you here, I tried to insist where the baked wraps are with a lighter texture in the cavities but seem's like it's not enough. It was supposed to be a messed up tissue with a lots of dirts and old bloods spots but it seem's like I've made it a bit too messy if you can not figure out what type of material it is ^^ 

    Yes the barbed wire were the big dilemma of my bat ahah my very first idea was to go all the way around but since I'll be using it as a FPS Weapon and it's relatively short I wanted the ''Attach'' of the barbed wire to have descent poly count to not lay everything on the bake. So if my barbed wire was going all the way around the "attach" would brink the polycount high very quick, so the decision was to not go all the way around.
    But I didn't have a backup plan so I decided to attach them directly on the bat, but you are write I should have find a way to make it believable ! 
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