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is this artstyle likeable

i would appreciate your feedback about this style. i try to get a simple and friendly look. 
The goal is to create a set of farm themed pieces, that are focussed on VR games.

so any comment is welcome



  • Alex_J
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    Alex_J grand marshal polycounter
    That color pallete suggest to me illness or pollution. The doughy look of the modeling suggest sadness and depravity. Like one of those Tim Curry claymation horrors.

    A happy sky might turn things around a litlte bit, but overall I would not say this is not  a friendly look. But probably you should find out what the target audience thinks.

  • Bruddel
    Offline / Send Message
    Interesting, I think I safe this style for now, and develop a second set,  with different colors and slightly different style approach.

    thank you so much for feedback
  • Brian "Panda" Choi
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    Brian "Panda" Choi high dynamic range
    No.  That ground looks muddy and illdefined.  Not appealing.

    There's something succinct about the way the buildings look at the moment.

    The palm tree shapes communicate the word "soft, silly" to me.
  • garcellano
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    garcellano greentooth
    Likeable? Probably not.
    Where's the ref for this? or where's the influence coming from?
  • Bruddel
    Offline / Send Message
    appreciate your honest reply,
    focus is on the models (house, cart, stuff..) and mainly the idea is, to give the appearance a kind of twist, which could be
      unfortunately there is no ref .. . its just something what i try be myself most probably a combination of what i have seen and liked,

    i want to redo the house, cart add more details, and add some stuff to improve things

    best and thanks
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