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Young Games Artist education in California?

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This discussion was created from comments split from: Gears of War 3 - Environment Art.


  • angelofdestiny
    Hello everyone. My name is Michelle and I'm trying to help my 17 year son get started in the right direction. He wants to become a games artist. He will be graduating High School this year and we're looking for the right School for him, We live in Southern California. Any help will be greatly appreciated!! Please email me at angelofdestiny69@hotmail.com  
  • xChris
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    xChris polycounter lvl 10
    Hello everyone. My name is Michelle and I'm trying to help my 17 year son get started in the right direction. He wants to become a games artist. He will be graduating High School this year and we're looking for the right School for him, We live in Southern California. Any help will be greatly appreciated!! Please email me at angelofdestiny69@hotmail.com  
    If you're in California, gnomon school of visual effects will be his best option.
  • Taylor Brown
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    Taylor Brown ngon master
    There are quite a few quality online schools that will cost considerably less. CGMA, Gnomon Online, Think Tank Training Centre are a few of the better ones. Tell your son to make an account here and start getting engaged in the community. It's essential in my opinion.

    I'm fairly certain Gnomon has portfolio reviews in order to attend their physical school so take that into consideration. 

    As an aside, in this field of work a degree is meaningless and any school that says "look at our employment rates!" should be a warning sign. It all comes down to how hard your son works and if the portfolio meets the quality level of currently employed junior artists, at a minimum. Most kids exit these schools and aren't hireable for a few more years (not firsthand experience but noted many times around forums)
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