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Please help me with some doubts about Game/Filme industry career

Good evening, I'm a student of architecture about to graduate in Brazil but I'm very interested in the career of 3D artist, I recently started to be more interested in the industry of games and movies but I'm about to graduate I'm afraid about change now. Somebody are be able to help with some questions?

With graduation from architect, will I have any recognition in this industry?
Do I need any degree to specialize in this field?
Is it difficult to get a job in this area?
Is this industry in Brazil good?
Is it difficult to be hired by companies from other countries that provide visas?
Is the salary good or better than that of an architect?

About software, I am investing in 3DS Max and V-Ray currently but I intend to learn the Substance Painter and ZBrush in the future, am I on the right track?
Could you tell me good online courses that have some subtitle? I did a large search but only found live online courses, which is not an option, since my English is not yet fluent. Most were very expensive, over 1000 $, very amateur like some of Udemy or just for Maya for some reason.
I'm not interested in zBrush at the moment, I'm still a beginner.

Maybe Enviroment Art combine more with my architect's "career" and the software I use, i dont know


  • arnov
    Offline / Send Message
    arnov polycounter lvl 4
    With graduation from architect, will I have any recognition in this industry?  - No
    Do I need any degree to specialize in this field? - No. Degree doesn't matter in the industry, all that matters is your portfolio.
    Is it difficult to get a job in this area? - It is difficult to find a job if you're not willing to make sacrifices, it's a very competitive field.
    Is this industry in Brazil good? - Dunno about Brazil, it depends how many options you have in there.
    Is it difficult to be hired by companies from other countries that provide visas? - Yes, unless you're really good. 
    Is the salary good or better than that of an architect? - As far as I know it's worse, might be wrong tho.

    About software, I am investing in 3DS Max and V-Ray currently but I intend to learn the Substance Painter and ZBrush in the future, am I on the right track? - Yes, Substance Designer is also worth learning, but Painter and ZBrush is a must.

    Could you tell me good online courses that have some subtitle? I did a large search but only found live online courses, which is not an option, since my English is not yet fluent. Most were very expensive, over 1000 $, very amateur like some of Udemy or just for Maya for some reason.
    I'm not interested in zBrush at the moment, I'm still a beginner. -   Pluralsight, 3Dmotive.  I highly recommend Chamferzone tutorials on youtube.

    You also might find this useful - http://wiki.polycount.com/wiki/Game_Industry

    Good luck!

  • NikhilR
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    NikhilR polycounter
    Do I need any degree to specialize in this field? 
    Is it difficult to be hired by companies from other countries that provide visas? 

    While you don't exactly need a degree, you may need one to get a visa for on site work. Some companies may value work experience on site more when it comes to hiring.
    Many companies do hire freelances for outsourcing off site. 
  • Brian "Panda" Choi
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    Brian "Panda" Choi high dynamic range
    Don't know.
    Don't know.

    3Dmotive is good and cheap.

  • sacboi
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    sacboi high dynamic range

    Here's a list of Portuguese speaking Autodesk app forums:

    Autodesk Knowledge Base

    Perhaps search there for help in either subtitled or native speaking tutorial/course content, also a degree does help in terms of visa application processes but relevancy for a Architectural qualification in the 2nd to 1st tier studio employment stream (mid sized and AAA companies) if that's a career option you've in mind pursuing for the games and film industry, I'm not actually sure about to be honest?

    gabrielnyr said:

    I'm a student of architecture about to graduate in Brazil but I'm very interested in the career of 3D artist, I recently started to be more interested in the industry of games and movies but I'm about to graduate I'm afraid about change now. Somebody are be able to help with some questions?

    Just thinking out loud here, I'm curious had you given some thought about other CG professions outside of entertainment, for example 3d Architectural Visualisation?! which considering your core skillset upon graduating is from my point of view may be a better fit, at least for the short term until such time a decision is made on what specific discipline you wish too specialise in.           

  • garcellano
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    garcellano greentooth
    With graduation from architect, will I have any recognition in this industry?
    Don't know what that means. If you mean, in other words, how do you get recognized? Most often it's usually the work. Maybe it's just networking or being active online, here or on other sites. I don't know.

    Do I need any degree to specialize in this field?

    Is it difficult to get a job in this area?
    In Brazil? I don't know. One side of me wants to say grab what you can get for experience, in the area that you're in.

    Is this industry in Brazil good?
    I think so? I can only think of a few studios in Brazil. Gameloft comes to mind, unless it has changed.

    Is it difficult to be hired by companies from other countries that provide visas?
    Maybe. It depends on the studio. 

    Is the salary good or better than that of an architect?
    Don't know. I lived off of ham and cheese before, dude hahha. It might be different, depending on the job.
  • gabrielnyr
    Offline / Send Message
    sacboi said:

    Just thinking out loud here, I'm curious had you given some thought about other CG professions outside of entertainment, for example 3d Architectural Visualisation?! which considering your core skillset upon graduating is from my point of view may be a better fit, at least for the short term until such time a decision is made on what specific discipline you wish too specialise in.           

    I already act as a freelancer in this area but I see how it is devalued in Brazil and I am afraid of not being a good choice, there are cases of architecture offices wanting to pay, with great insistence, values like 50R$ 100R$ per rendered image, around 15$ 30$, of course I do not accept, I think absurd, but it is the reality of many here.

    Thank you all for the answers, really did not expect so many. i'll keep studying and looking for possibilities, i really would like to get a job outside of Brazil but for now it's just a dream. hahah
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